SEC scholars
The Digital Futures Summer Early Career (SEC) visiting programme aims to support early career scholars at non-Swedish universities to enable short and mid-term visits to the Digital Futures environment (minimum 1 month, maximum 5 months) from May to September. This funding programme supports tenure-track academics who wish to benefit from a sabbatical within Digital Futures. The time away from a home institution is flexible and for the visiting scholar to decide.
This funding programme will broaden the diversity of those participating in Digital Futures, enabling new global perspectives on digitalisation research to influence our progress. The SEC programme should enrich the activities of Digital Futures through participation in, for example, research, teaching, events, and mentorship of PhD and Post-Doctoral researchers.
Click on the headlines below (or navigate the menu to the left) to learn more.
Mohamed Elbadawi
May - June 2024: Mohamed Elbadawi is a lecturer in Computational Biomedicine at Queen Mary University London, UK. Specifically, Elbadawi will investigate the possibility of digitalising the medicine manufacturing workflow...
Chinwendu Enyioha
May - July 2024: Chinwendu Enyioha is an Electrical and Computer Engineering Assistant Professor at the University of Central Florida (UCF). He leads the research group on Autonomous and Intelligent Systems...
Barbara Giunti
May - August 2024: Barbara Giunti's background is in topological data analysis, with a marked categorical approach. Giunti is also interested in the computational side of applied topology, especially in developing algorithms for retrieving invariants...
Vasiliki Kalavri
September 2024: Vasiliki (Vasia) Kalavri is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at Boston University, where she co-leads the Complex Analytics and Scalable Processing (CASP) Systems lab...
Hana Khamfroush
June - July 2024: Hana Khamfroush is an Associate Professor at the Pigman College of Engineering. Her current research is in distributed learning (e.g., federated learning), edge computing, IoT and applied AI. Her PhD focused on wireless network...
Abolfazl Lavaei
July - September 2024: Abolfazl Lavaei is an Assistant Professor at the School of Computing at Newcastle University, United Kingdom. His research mainly focuses on theoretical and practical aspects of Safe Verification...
Ebru Susur
June - July 2024: Ebru Susur is an Assistant Professor in Innovation Studies at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Dr Susur received her PhD in Management, Economics, and Industrial Engineering from Politecnico di Milano and in Industrial Management from Universidad Politécnica de Madrid...
Fei Teng
June - July and August- September 2024: Fei Teng is currently the Director of Education in the Energy Futures Lab, a pan-university hub promoting inter-disciplinary research in energy, and a Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) in the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Imperial College London...
Calvin Tsay
August- September 2024: Calvin Tsay is currently a Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in the Department of Computing at Imperial College London. He is supported by the BASF/RAEng Senior Research Fellowship in Scale-Bridging Modelling and Optimisation...
Cesar A Uribe
May - July 2024: Cesar A. Uribe is a Louis Owen Assistant Professor at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Rice University. He received his M.Sc. degrees in systems and control from the Delft University of Technology...
Yongqiu Zhu
May - September 2024: Yongqiu Zhu is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Transport and Planning at the Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands. Her main research focus is addressing the challenges of uncertainty...