Speakers: Bo Bernhardsson and Joakim Jalden
Presentation: Bo Bernhardsson_May122020 (pdf 3.3 MB)
Abstract: I will describe the recent work done in a team from Swedish academia together with people working with analysis and prediction in the health care system. The presentation will start with a general overview but then focus on analysis of the now famous and quite influential Imperial College model.
Joakim Jalden will also briefly describe recent efforts setting up a cooperation initiative between Region Stockholm and KTH.
Bios: Bo Bernhardsson is a professor of Automatic Control in Lund. He has a broad interest of applications of control and has worked with modeling and control of uncertain systems since his PhD thesis in 1992. For 9 years he worked in industry as an expert in mobile system design and optimization at Ericsson. During recent years he has been involved with the WASP graduate school, with cavity field control at the European Spallation Source, and with creating a new international master’s program in “Machine Learning, Systems and Control” in Lund.
Joakim Jaldén is a professor of Signal Processing at KTH Royal Institute of Technology. Following an early career in signal processing for wireless communications, recent work includes signal processing for biomedical technologies. Joakim is the program director for the five year degree program in electrical engineering at KTH, and he was recently given a role to coordinate KTH competences in data analysis and modeling related to the strategic partnership with Region Stockholm during the ongoing pandemic.