Date and time: 23 February 2022, 15:00 – 16:00 CET
Speaker: Prof. Henrik Sandberg, KTH
Title: Kalman and The Filter
Meeting ID: 695 6088 7455
Password: 755440
Watch the recorded presentation:
Abstract: The filter invented by Rudolf E. Kalman in the 1960s has had a tremendous impact in engineering, and finds new applications all the time. In this talk, we will review the filter equations and their assumptions, as well as discuss Kalman and his impact on control engineering.
Bio: Henrik Sandberg is a Professor at the Division of Decision and Control Systems at KTH Royal Institute of Technology. His current research interests include the security of cyber-physical systems, power systems, model reduction, and fundamental limitations in control.
The goal of curtain talks is to provide the background and explain the significance of equations for the digital transformation of modern societies.