Date and time: 13 June 2023, 09:00 – 16:00 CEST (UTC +2)
Title: Integrating systems engineering into university education and research
Where: Digital Futures hub, Osquars Backe 5, floor 2 at KTH main campus OR Zoom
A maximum of 50 participants are onsite at Digital Futures cafeteria. The registration deadline is 5 June. First come, first service.
For onsite participation, please register here:
If you are unable to participate onsite, you are welcome to join us via Zoom:
Meeting ID: 695 6088 7455
Password: 755440
This event is co-sponsored by Digital Futures. KTH is hosting the workshop in the frame of the Archimedes initiative.
Welcome to this workshop on integrating systems engineering into university education and research and how to establish it in academia. There will be opportunities for experience exchange and contact with international centres.
The workshop is organized in the frame of the Archimedes initiative, a new collaboration between international systems engineering research centres.
In 2022, SERC, ESI/TNO, DLR (represented by its Institute for SE and future mobility) and KTH Royal Institute of Technology (represented by the TECoSA and ICES centres) initiated Archimedes. See the INCOSE INSIGHT Magazine Dec. 2022 issue for further information about Archimedes.
09:00 Registration & Coffee
09.15-10.15 SLOT 1 – Introductory perspectives
- Welcome and workshop introduction by Martin Törngren, KTH
Download pdf: 1_ArchimedesWS-Intro_MartinTorngren - The Future of Systems Engineering/Incose by Tom Strandberg, CAG Syntell
- Download pdf: 2_INCOSE FuSE intro_TomStrandberg
- Human Systems Integration by Pernilla Ulfvengren, KTH
Download pdf: 3_HumanSystemsIntegration_PernillaUlfvengren - Archimedes introduction by Wouter Leibbrandt ESI, and Dinesh Verma SERC
Download pdf: 4_SE Presentation – AFRY_Archimedes
10:15-10:35 Coffee break & mingle
10.35-11.40 SLOT 2
- Industrial needs and sustainability concerns – two talks: Eskil Bendz, AFRY, Anna Pernestål, Skogforsk
Download pdf: 5_Skogforsk_IndustryNeeds-SE_AnnaPernestahl - Educational (best) practices to integrate SE into engineering education by Bill Shepherd, Stevens Institue of Technology
Download pdf: 6_Archimedes_BillShepherd - University management view on education and systems engineering by Joakim Lilliesköld, KTH
Download pdf: 7_UniversityEducation-SE_JoakimLillieskold
11:40-12:40 LUNCH
12.40-14.30: SLOT 3 – Group work sessions: How to introduce SE at Universities in engineering education and research – incl. coffee break
- 13.30: Intermezzo talk: Systems Engineering Education at the University of Maryland: Undergraduate and Graduate Programs Experiences, Johan Baras, Univ. of Maryland
Download pdf: 8_SE Education at UMD_JohnBARAS
14:30-15:30 Plenary summaries from groups and concluding discussion
15:30-16:00 Next steps
End of Day