Designing digital sensorimotor therapies in children and adolescents with autism and other neurodevelopment disorders

Date and time: 8 May 2023, 10:00 – 11:00 CEST (UTC +2)
Speaker: MD PhD Thomas Gargot, University Hospital of Tours, France
Title: Designing digital sensorimotor therapies in children and adolescents with autism and other neurodevelopment disorders

Where: Digital Futures hub, Osquars Backe 5, floor 2 at KTH main campus OR Zoom
Meeting ID: 644 0877 6545

Moderator/administrator: Arzu Guneysu,

This event is co-sponsored by Digital Futures.

Abstract: Autism spectrum disorders are characterized by (1) social and communication difficulties and (2) restricted interest and repetitive behaviours. These clinical signs seem to stem from sensorimotor developmental difficulties. The development of digital tools based on a user-centred design approach involving parents, patients, and professionals could tackle these issues. New technologies can precisely characterize movement difficulties and allow feedback loops.

We developed a writing serious game (Dynamilis) on electronic tablets that were easily scaled up. Based on the protégé effect, it seems to improve the motivation of the child. Audio and visual sensory difficulties can be treated with virtual reality in a CAVE system. This controlled environment improves the behaviour understanding of the child. Proprioceptive and touch difficulties can be targeted with a user-controlled deep-pressure chair controlled. We hope that these tools, elaborated thanks to physiological mechanisms, to design and acceptability, pave the way to a better understanding, validated and accessible care for children with ASD.

Bio: Thomas Gargot is a child and adolescent psychiatrist (CAP) interested in evidence-based psychotherapies, the cognitive principles underlying them and the use of new technologies to understand better and disseminate them. He is involved in European Psychiatry Association as chair of the psychotherapy section and research councillor of the digital health section.

He has a PhD degree in Computer Sciences about the use of new technologies to characterize and treat writing disorders with electronic tablets. Since November 2020, he has been Chief Resident (Chef de Clinique Assistant) in the Excellence Center of Autism and Neurodevelopmental Disorders and CAP department in the regional university hospital of Tours, France, Prof Bonnet Brilhault. He has a clinical activity in general urgent child adolescent psychiatry.  He is also an associated researcher in iBrain (Imagery and Brain) laboratory, Prof Belzung. In his research activity, he coordinates the development of digital sensorimotor therapies in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (with VR and a deep pressure chair).

Date and time

May 8, 2023, 10:00 - 11:00

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