Data-Limited Learning of Complex Dynamical Systems – Impact and Demonstrators

About the project

The goal of the collaborative impact project is to leverage the novel technical and theoretical research results from the data-limited learning project to create added value and technical transfer to the Swedish industry (Saab and AstraZeneca) and to create interactive physical demonstrators for the Digital Futures Hub and the general public.

This impact project is an extension to the 4-year project Data-Limited Learning of Complex Dynamical Systems (DLL), where the new project focuses on impact activities, software prototypes, and demonstrators. See the following for the previous DLL project.

The previous DLL project consisted of three connected sub-projects (i) bioprocessing, (ii) reinforcement learning for cyber-physical systems, and (iii) theoretical foundation. Within these sub-projects, our project has resulted in significant research results. In this new collaborative impact project, we focus on a subset of these results within the three tasks. The key aspect of the usefulness of this new project is to take the results from a theoretical or pure academic setting, to create demonstrators for the public, and to enable technical transfer to the Swedish industry.

Cross-disciplinary collaboration
This project involves co-PIs and researchers from different disciplines, including computer science, automatic control, machine learning, and biotechnology. The project is divided into three main project tasks, each aiming for separate impact activities:

  • Task 1: Prototype of tracking application with Saab. Here, we use a new theoretical framework for estimation resulting from the DLL project. The task concerns developing software prototypes together with Saab, to enable a defense system for tracking enemy drones, and to separate between different kinds of objects in space.
  • Task 2: Interactive Humanoid Robot Demonstrator. We use both practical and theoretical results from the DLL project when developing an interactive and exciting demonstrator of a child humanoid robot, which will be on display at the Digital Futures Hub and showcased for the Swedish media.
  • Task 3: Software for generalized bioprocess modelling and optimization. This project task aims to develop user-friendly software that uses a data-driven approach for the kinetic modelling of bioprocesses. The aim is for external partners, including AstraZeneca, to test the solution on their own cell lines and processes.

Project period

01/07/2024 – 30/06/2025

Type of call

Collaborative Impact

Societal context

Digitalized Industry

Research themes




Project status

