Advancing real-time exoskeleton control for human-in-the-loop optimization

About the project

“Advancing real-time exoskeleton control for human-in-the-loop optimization” is a continuation of the completed project Real-time exoskeleton control for human-in-the-loop optimization.

Our proposal is to build a physical prototype of a modular lower-limb exoskeleton system with a digital interface to a real-time variable controller. The prototype will be equipped with motors that provide variable control to different joints and joint ranges of motion while being capable of supporting real-time control of its kinetic properties. By varying the assistive strategies in the exoskeleton system via a digital interface, we will enable human-in-the-loop (HILO) optimization in order to find optimal control strategies for different users and different goals.

Persons with physical disabilities are the largest minority group in the world, and global trends in ageing populations indicate an expected increase in the population affected by disability. In Sweden, musculoskeletal disorders are one of the most common causes of long-term disability.

Wearable robotic assistive exoskeletons have undergone rapid developments in the past decades, yet only a handful of products are used frequently, either within or outside of research environments. A major reason for this is that a device must be adjusted for user compliance and efficacy for optimal effect and comfort. Using methods for automatically discovering, customizing, and continuously adapting assistance could overcome these challenges, allowing exoskeletons and prostheses to achieve their potential.

Crossdisciplinary collaboration
The researchers in the team represent the KTH School of Engineering Science, Department of Engineering Mechanics and KTH School of Industrial engineering and management, department of Machine Design.

Watch the recorded presentation at Digitalize in Stockholm 2022 event:

Project period

01/01/2024 – 31/12/2025

Type of call


Societal context

Rich and Healthy Life

Research themes




Project status

