Chinwendu Enyioha

SEC scholar May – July 2024
Chinwendu Enyioha is an Electrical and Computer Engineering Assistant Professor at the University of Central Florida (UCF). He leads the research group on Autonomous and Intelligent Systems. His research spans analysis, control and optimization of networked systems. He has made contributions in the area of distributed control of dynamical processes in population networks. He has developed communication-efficient algorithms for distributed decision-making in large-scale autonomous networked systems. Government agencies, including the National Science Foundation, Air Force Research Laboratory and the Caltech Jet Propulsion Lab, and industry partners, including L3Harris and CAE USA Corporations, have supported his work.

Before arriving at UCF, he was a Postdoctoral Fellow in Electrical Engineering at Harvard and Tufts University and a Postdoctoral Researcher with the GRASP Lab at the University of Pennsylvania (Penn), where he also obtained his PhD. Dr. Enyioha is a Fellow of the Ford Foundation and was named a William Fontaine Scholar at Penn.

Dr. Enyioha will spend two months working with PhD students and faculty within the Division of Network and Systems Engineering in the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at KTH. He plans to join efforts with his host faculty, Prof. Carlo Fischione and colleagues, to develop novel computing ideas that enhance the computation and communication efficiency of algorithms used for distributed learning.

