Baris Fidan

Scholar in residence September 2023 – June 2024
Baris Fidan is a Professor at the University of Waterloo (UW), Canada, in the Department of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering Department, with joint appointments at the Departments of Systems Design Engineering and Electrical and Computer Engineering. He received his PhD degree at the University of Southern California, and he worked at the NICTA and the Australian National University, Canberra, Australia for five years before joining the UW in 2010.

His research expertise is Nonlinear and Adaptive Control and Estimation, Multiagent and Cooperative Systems and Sensor Networks, with particular applications in Intelligent Vehicle and Mechatronic Systems. He has been PI/co-PI of research projects and programs focusing on distributed motion planning and coordination of mobile robot and autonomous vehicle networks, adaptive and learning-based motion planning and manoeuvre control for collaborative driving and intelligent transportation, distributed parameter identification and adaptive control of intelligent vehicle systems and mobile robotic platforms, localization and mapping via autonomous vehicle networks, UAV navigation and stability control, filtering and control design for biomedical and human assistive robotic applications.

His academic visit at Digital Futures and KTH aims to initiate new collaborative research studies in the fields of Networked Dynamic Systems, Cooperative and Adaptive Estimation and Control, Coordination and Control of Robotic and Vehicular Networks, Cooperative Robot Manipulation, Robotic Networks for Surveillance and Source/Extremum Seeking, in coordination with the hosts Prof. Dimos Dimarogonas and Prof. Kalle Johansson, but together with other Digital Futures/KTH researchers as well. The visit plans include a short course on Online Parameter Identification and Adaptive Control.

Link to profile of Baris Fidan

