Anton S. Shiriaev

Scholar in residence February – April 2024
Anton S. Shiriaev, Professor at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway, is an internationally recognized researcher in applied math, control systems, mechanical engineering and robotics subjects. He received his MSc and PhD degrees in applied math from St. Petersburg State University, Russia, in 1993 and 1997. Throughout his academic career, Dr Shiriaev held (permanent or long-time visiting) positions in various universities and academic institutions worldwide, including universities at Lund, Umea, Aalborg and Odense in Scandinavia, at the CNRS and universities at Montpellier and Nantes in France, at the Tokyo Institute of Technology, at the Russian Academy of Sciences, at the University of Texas at Dallas and others.

He has made several scientific contributions and tangible observations in stability analysis of non-linear dynamical systems, in modelling and calibrating robotic systems, in developing algorithms for planning, controlling and analyzing agile behaviours of mechanical systems, in analyzing and reconstructing human motions, in planning and performing dynamic manipulations by robotic systems. Dr. Shiriaev has actively tutored and supervised students and young researchers, bringing them to cutting-edge scientific and technological problems through lectures and original PhD courses.

As a scholar-in-residence fellow hosted by Professor Hu at the Math Department, KTH, Dr Shiriaev plans to contribute to cross-disciplinary research efforts of the core areas of Digital Futures and offers a series of public research seminars and the course on foundations for motion planning and motion control for mechanical systems subject to dynamic constraints.

