Six Flagship Projects granted funding: Pioneering Interdisciplinary Innovation through Collaborative Research

The new Digital Futures Flagship Project instrument aims to achieve the highest scientific quality, demonstrating originality, significant impact, and an interdisciplinary approach. The project consortia bring together senior and early-career researchers, with a strong emphasis on collaboration with industry and society.

In the first call, out of 33 excellent top qualified applications, these were the six Flagship projects granted funding:

  • AI guided multimodal/multichannel spatiotemporal imaging, Ozan Öktem (KTH-SCI), Mats Persson (KTH-SCI) and Massimiliano Colarieti-Tosti (KTH-CBH).
  • Biology-informed Robust AI Methods for Inferring Complex Gene Regulatory Networks, Erik Sonnhammer (SU), Martina Scolamiero (KTH-SCI), and Saikat Chatterjee (KTH- EECS).
  • Foundation Models for Sign Language, Jonas Beskow (KTH-EECS), Gustav Eje Henter (KTH-EECS), and Johanna Mesch (SU).
  • Recovering the dynamics of biological macromolecules using cryo-EM data with data-driven prior, Joakim Andén-Pantera (KTH-SCI), Hossein Azizpour (KTH-EECS), and Marta Carroni (SU).
  • Redefining Mobility for Aging Adults, Elena Gutierrez Farewik (KTH-SCI), Madeline Balaam (KTH-EECS), and Georgios Andrikopoulos (KTH-ITM).
  • Secure and Scalable 6G Ambient IoT (SambIoT), Panagiotis Papadimitratos (KTH-EECS), Thiemo Voigt (RISE), and Musard Balliu (KTH-EECS).

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