Focus Period

The Digital Futures Focus Period program is an ambitious 5-week guest researcher event that will be repeated annually but with a new topic every year.

The objective is to attract top-level researchers (and their junior colleagues) by funding their accommodation in Stockholm and creating optimal conditions for exchanging ideas, expanding professional networks, initiating new collaborations, and tackling timely research challenges.

Each visiting scholar stays for 3-5 weeks and is hosted by a Digital Futures faculty. In the middle of the focus period, when all visitors are present, there will be a common 3-day workshop with additional invited speakers and attendees from Digital Futures and the Swedish industry and society.

The organization of a Digital Futures Focus Period has the following steps.

  1. Selection of proposals
  2. The International Scientific Program Committee is invited
  3. Invitations to workshop speakers
  4. Public announcement
  5. Invitations to visiting scholars
  6. Open call for workshop attendees
  7. The organizer makes a seminar schedule for the visiting scholars

For questions, please contact Digital Futures Associate Director for Seminars & Workshops Martina Scolamiero at