The Digital Futures governance and management structure involves faculty members and currently consists of the KTH President, the Governing Board, the Executive Committee, the Operations Team, the Strategic Research Committee and Working Groups.
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Click on the headlines below (or navigate the menu to the left) to learn more and to see the members of each body.
Governing Board
The Governing Board (GB) is the decision-making body of Digital Futures, deciding on the strategic plan and budget.
Executive Committee
The Executive Committee (EC) is responsible for day-to-day operations.
The Operations team is involved in the implementation of instruments and activities.
Partnership Programme
The Industrial and Societal Partnership Programme (ISPP) is established through a partnership agreement between the founding entities of Digital Futures and industrial or societal partners.
Strategic Research Committee
The Strategic Research Committee (SRC) is responsible for shaping the research strategy of Digital Futures.
Scientific Advisory Board
The Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) at Digital Futures evaluates the organization’s scientific achievements and societal impact.