AI ​​researcher in SvD Näringsliv article: “It’s the climate’s best chance”

By 2030, the UN’s development goals must be achieved. But to eradicate poverty, stop climate change and at the same time increase economic growth, a miracle medicine is needed. A medicine spelt artificial intelligence, according to researcher Francesca Larosa.  In her postdoc, Larosa works with AI methods to detect synergies across different Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The project (An AI-based framework for harmonizing climate policies and projects with the SDGs) is funded by Digital Futures and co-led by Ricardo Vinuesa and Francesco Fuso-Nerini, both Associate Professors at KTH and Digital Futures faculty.

Svenska Dagbladet’s Viktor Bendz recently interviewed Larosa. The article is in Swedish and can be read by subscribers here.

– With this AI-based framework the goal is to identify the hidden synergies and tradeoffs among SDGs which are not so commonly reported, as well as to develop novel solutions maximizing the positvie SDG impact, explains Ricardo Vinuesa.

The researchers in the cross-disciplinary team represent the KTH Schools of Engineering Sciences, Department of Engineering Mechanics and the School of Industrial Engineering and Management, Climate Action Centre.

Larosa holds a PhD in Climate Change Sciences and Management from Ca’ Foscari University of Venice and has a climate economist by background with a BA in Economics from University of Pisa, MSc in Economics from Bocconi University in Milan with interest and expertise in computational and complexity methods. She’s an affiliated researcher at Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change (CMCC) in Venice, Italy.

Link to profile of Francesca Larosa

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