Digital Futures announcing three new calls!
Call opens: 11 March 2022
Proposal Submission Deadlines: 3 April 2022, 13 June 2022
Expected Start of Projects: 1 July 2022 or 1 January 2023
First Open call for ISPP Demo projects
Up to four projects are intended to be selected. Industrial and Societal Partnership Program (ISPP) Demo projects are two years in duration and should preferably feature the collaboration of multiple academic faculty and one, or multiple, industrial entities. New collaboration constellations are desirable for a project proposal, but not a necessary condition.
Link to more information and how to apply
Second Open call for Societal Innovation Projects
Up to four Societal Innovation Projects are to be selected. Societal Innovation Projects are supposed to be a maximum of two years in duration. The projects will be funded with a maximum of 1 MSEK overall in terms of Digital Futures funding.
Link to more information and how to apply
Second Open call for Industrial Innovation Projects
Up to six Industrial Innovation Projects are to be selected. Industrial Innovation Projects can be one-, two- or three-year projects and should preferably feature the collaboration of multiple academic faculty and one, or multiple, industrial entities. New collaboration constellations are desirable for a project proposal, but not a necessary condition.
Link to more information and how to apply