Participation in Future Digileaders 2021

Future Digileaders is an event for selected early career researchers interested in the broad area of digitalization who identify as women or are non-binary. The event consists of a career workshop with talks, panels, and sincere discussions. We will cover professional development, provide opportunities to meet inspiring role models, and facilitate networking among attendees. This year, the event will be held online on October 19, 2021.

Future Digileaders is a part of Digitalize in Stockholm 2021, an annual conference and meeting place for global thought leaders and rising stars engaged in transformation through digitalization in academia, industry, government, and civil society.

Through participation in the event, we expect that the Future Digileaders will:

  • gain insights into the joys and struggles of becoming and being faculty, and awareness of a broad range of career paths and strategies one can choose from;
  • debate and shape values and practices that should be promoted in a good research environment;
  • establish new connections to research and industry leaders and a network of international peers;
  • understand the potential of digitalization research in a broader societal context, a peek into different areas of digitalization research, as well as knowledge about state-of-the-art research challenges and advancements.

The program will include a virtual visit to the industry to further establish networking opportunities in Stockholm.


We welcome applications from early-career researchers who identify as women, or are non-binary, and have obtained their PhD degree no earlier than 2017, or are expected to graduate no later than 2023. The eligibility window can be extended by career breaks, such as parental/adoption leave, long-term illness, or national service during or after PhD studies.

Applicants are expected to be interested in pursuing a research career in digitalization, especially related to the research themes trio Trust – Learn – Cooperate. These themes encompass basic as well as applied research in areas including, but not limited to, security and privacy, human-technology interaction, systems and data science, artificial intelligence, robotics, networking, or communication and control.

Applications must be submitted by September 30, 2021 (Anywhere on Earth).

Apply by following the instructions in this form.

We aim to select a diverse and dynamic group of Digileaders based on the application materials.

Important Dates

  • Application deadline: September 30, 2021, 23:59 AoE
  • Acceptance notification: October 8, 2021
  • Event: October 19, 2021. The preliminary schedule is planned for 1:00 PM to 6:00 PM CEST (UTC+2)

Further details about the event will be updated along the year on the website:

Organising Committee

Marianela Ciolfi Felice, KTH Royal Institute of Technology

Airi Lampinen, Stockholm University

Claudia Núñez-Pacheco, KTH Royal Institute of Technology

Fatemeh Rahimian, RISE Research Institutes of Sweden

Asreen Rostami, RISE Research Institutes of Sweden

Yvonne Stuerz, KTH Royal Institute of Technology

Stacy Vallis, KTH Royal Institute of Technology

Contact & Questions

Contact for further questions.

Call status


Important dates

Application deadline: September 30, 2021, 23:59 AoE

Acceptance notification: October 8, 2021

Event: October 19, 2021. The preliminary schedule is planned for 1:00 PM to 6:00 PM CEST (UTC+2)