Digital Futures provides funding for strategic research projects that drive innovation and create impact. Below, you’ll find information on upcoming calls, including objectives, available funding, schedules, application procedures, eligibility criteria, expected outcomes, and the essential selection criteria—everything you need to successfully submit a proposal.
Each call is tailored to the specific nature of the projects being funded. Proposals can only be submitted after a call is officially published.
Participation Future Digileaders ’24
Future Digileaders is an event held in Stockholm, Sweden, for selected early-career researchers interested in…
Participation Future Digileaders ’23
Future Digileaders is an event for selected early career researchers interested in the broad area…
ISPP Postdoc Projects
This is the first call for Industrial and Societal Partnership Program (ISPP) Postdoc Projects within…
ISPP Postdoc Projects
This is the second call for Industrial and Societal Partnership Program (ISPP) Postdoc Projects within…
ISPP Postdoc Projects
This is the third call for Industrial and Societal Partnership Program (ISPP) Postdoc Projects within…
ISPP Mobility Grants
This is the first call for ISPP Mobility Grants within Digital Futures. Please note that…
ISPP Postdoc Projects
This is the fourth call for Industrial and Societal Partnership Program (ISPP) Postdoc Projects within…
ISPP Mobility Grants
This is a call for ISPP Mobility Grants within Digital Futures. Please note that only…
ISPP Demo Projects
This is the first call for Industrial and Societal Partnership Program (ISPP) Demo Projects within…
Industrial Innovation Projects
This is the second call for Industrial Innovation Projects (IIP) within Digital Futures. Background Digital…
Industrial Innovation Projects
This is the third call for Industrial Innovation Projects (IIPs) within Digital Futures. Background Digital…
Industrial Innovation Projects
This is the fourth call for Industrial Innovation Projects (IIPs) within Digital Futures. Important dates…