Digital Futures Fellowships – here are the first honourees

In 2021 Digital Futures launched a fellowship program with two kinds of fellowships to support leading researchers. The regular fellowship program is targeted to regular faculty members at KTH or at Stockholm University. The aim is to equip the most promising researchers of central importance for the strategic research area with a highly competitive startup or consolidation package.

The first call for proposals was directed exclusively toward faculty members who were previously recruited with an SRA ICT-TNG startup package. The applications in the first round were reviewed by three international peers during the Spring of 2021 and a decision to name the following 11 faculty members Digital Futures Fellows was taken by the Digital Futures governing board on May 21stJonas BeskowRoberto GuancialeHenrik BoströmKristina HöökSaikat ChatterjeeTobias OechteringCarlo FischioneAlexandre ProutiereSarunas GirdzijauskasPetter Ögren and James Gross.


Jonas Beskow


Roberto Guanciale

Roberto Guanciale


Picture of Henrik Boström

Henrik Boström


Picture of Kristina Höök

Kristina Höök


Picture of Saikat Chatterjee

Saikat Chatterjee


Tobias Oechtering


Picture of Carlo Fischione

Carlo Fischione


Alexandre Proutiere


Picture of Sarunas-Girdzijauskas

Sarunas Girdzijauskas


Picture of Petter Ögren

Petter Ögren


Photo of James Gross

James Gross

We congratulate all these candidates on receiving the honour of the Digital Futures Fellowship.

During the Fall of 2021, a new call for regular Digital Futures Fellows will be communicated to the KTH Schools and Stockholm University. This highly competitive new call will aim exclusively at newly recruited faculty members.

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