When: Wednesday, November 22, 15.00-18.00, followed by a mingling dinner (end of event at 20:00)
What: Digital Futures Faculty Workshop
Where: Coor konferens – Garnisonen, Karlavägen 100, 104 51 Stockholm
Directions: https://maps.app.goo.gl/M2N7oCeq1EiQMU7q9
Cost: It is free – but you must show up if you register (or cancel well in advance)
Registration will be open for Digital Futures faculty members – see mail including link to registration (sent to Members of Faculty on 11 October) from David Broman, Associate Director Faculty, Digital Futures.
Read more about Digital Futures faculty and how to become a member HERE.
Welcome to the Digital Futures faculty workshop!
This workshop will be an in-person event with exciting talks, panels, discussions, and time to mingle and enjoy refreshments and dinner. The theme for this workshop is faculty development.
The focus will be on junior faculty (assistant and early associate professor level), where senior faculty members are strongly encouraged to participate and share their knowledge and experience. Please register as soon as possible to get a spot!
Questions? Please send an email to event@digitalfutures.kth.se
Digital Futures