Date and time: 9 April 2025, 08:30 – 19:00
Title: Digital Futures Open Research Days 2025
Where: Architecture School building, Osquars Backe 5, KTH main Campus, Digital Futures hub, floor 2 Directions:
Welcome to Digital Futures Open Research Days, a rich program that covers research projects, partners, and panel discussions. The event is ONSITE at the Architecture School building, KTH main campus, Stockholm. The program is run in two parallell sessions.
Program responsible: Yifang Ban, Associate Director Dissemination and Impact at Digital Futures
If you have questions, please get in touch by sending an email to
08:30 – 09:00 Registration & Coffee
09:00-09:15 Welcome and Introduction
Karl H Johansson, Director Digital Futures
09:15 – 09:55 Parallel Sessions
A123: Robots and People
Lightning Talks 18 min (3 min per project)
- Advancing real-time exoskeleton control for human-in-the-loop optimization (Demo)
- Synergistic Human-Robot Collaboration in Extreme Environments: From Simulation to Experimental Validation (SHARCEX) (II)
- The Neuroscience of Engagement: A Multimodal AI Approach to Understanding and Enhancing Human-Robot Interaction (RP)
- AUV Data Processing, Communication and Swarm Optimization in Contested and Denied Undersea Environments (ADAPCOS) (II)
- Airborne Launch and Recovery Systems (ALARS) (II)
- Digital Futures Drone Arena Gymnasium
A124: Smart Mobility
Lightning Talks 18 min (3 min per project)
- cAIMBER: Causal Artificial Intelligence for Human Mobility Behavior Analysis Using Trajectory Data (RP)
- MicroVRide: Virtual Reality Micromobilty Simulator (Demo)
- GPARSE: Guaranteeing Pro-Active and Reactive Safety in intersections through resource management at the Edge (RP)
- CAVeaT – Connected Automated Vehicles Trialling and Trustworthiness (Demo)
- CIML4MOB-Causally informed machine learning for individual mobility dynamics (RP)
- Smart Transportation in Cities Facilitated by Integrated Sensing and Communication Networks (Stacey) (II)
Breakout Sessions 15 min: Interactive Digital Poster Presentations, 1 Display per Project
09:55 – 10:25 Parallel Sessions
A123: Social AI
Lightning Talks 15 min (3 min per project)
- Humanizing the Sustainable Smart City Extended (HiSSx) (CI)
- Advanced Intelligent Homes (AIH) (CI)
- Embedding AI in an innovative geospatial tool to support policy for clean cooking adoption in low- and middle-income countries (Demo)
- XR Horizons: Unravelling Multi-User Interaction, Multisensory Experiences, and Ethical Considerations in the Realm of Spatial Computing (RP)
- Data-driven Improvement of Work-Flows at the Karolinska University Hospital (SI)
A124: Transforming Education
Lightning Talks 15 min (3 min per project)
- Digitalisation and Educational Transformation: Empowering Students and Teachers with Cognitive Disabilities (DI)
- Empowering Cultural Integration and Language Learning through Conversational AI (Demo)
- Semi-automated math tutoring (Demo)
- Learning Analytics as a Tool for more Efficient Learning at KTH: Policy challenges and usage illustration (LATEL) (Seed)
- Transforming Engineering Education with Multimodal GenAI and Intelligent Agents for Improving Problem-Solving Skills (RP)
Breakout Sessions 15 min: Interactive Digital Poster Presentations, 1 Display per Project
10:25 – 10:50 Coffee Break
10:50 – 11:30 Parallel Sessions
A123: AI for Environment
Lightning Talks 21 min (3 min per project)
- EO-AI4Global Change (CI)
- DeepFlood: Enhancing large scale Flood Detection and Mapping using PolSAR, Metaheuristic, and Deep Learning Algorithms (Research Pair)
- DeepAqua: Revolutionizing the quantification of Swedish surface water changes with deep learning (Research Pair)
- Digitalization, AI and sustainability in cities and sectors (Seed)
- iHorse+ Improving air pollution and health risk forecasts by emerging IoT sensors
- Beyond 2030: Achieving the SDGs within the Planetary Boundaries, an AI-based approach (Demo)
- Combining Advanced Systems for Climate Adaptation and Disaster Enhancement in Stockholm (CASCADE) (SI)
A124: 6G – Communication, Sensing, Computing, Biology, Digitalized Medicine
Lightning Talks 15 min (3 min per project)
- Emergence 2.0: Securing Edge Networks with a Programmable Intelligent Architecture (RP)
- Demonstrating Rich and Batteryless Human-Powered Interaction using Backscatter Communication (HumanScatter) (Demo)
- Data-Limited Learning of Complex Dynamical Systems Data – Impact and Demonstrators (CI)
- Large-scale delivery of an Internet-based psychological intervention in Region Stockholm using an advanced e-learning platform (QB-ACT) (SI)
- Models of non-normal and non-normative populations (Seed)
Breakout Sessions 15 min: Interactive Digital Poster Presentations, 1 Display per Project
11:30 – 12:15 Open Challenges from Partners
- Region Stockholm
- City of Stockholm
- Ericsson
- Xylem
- and more
12:15 – 13:15 Lunch Break
13:15 -13:50 Parallel Sessions
A123: Digitalized Built Environment I
Lightning Talks 12 min (3 min per project)
- Towards smart water-Democritus impact project (CP Impact)
- Barriers and enabling factors for digitalisation in the Swedish water sector (SI)
- DECORUM Optimized predictive maintenance for wastewater pump stations ( SI)
- Towards Safe Smart Construction: Algorithms, Digital Twins and Infrastructures (II)
A124: Digitalized Health Care I
Lightning Talks 15 min (3 min per project)
- DataLEASH in Action (CI)
- Advanced Magnetic Resonance Elastography for the Brain (RP)
- AI-based Positioning and Personalization Platform for Human Body Models (HBMs) (previous Virtual Baby Platform) (RP)
- AI-based Asthma App using Spirometer (SI)
- AI-based Detection of Colorectal Cancer in Primary Care (AIDCCIP) (SI)
Breakout Sessions 15 min: Interactive Digital Poster Presentations, 1 Display per Project
13:50 -14:20 Parallel Sessions
A123: Digitalized Built Environment II
Lightning Talks 12 min (3 min per project)
- DIRAC: DynamIc uRban roAd traffiC noise simulation model using passive and publicly available data (Demo)
- Faster-than-real-time and high-resolution simulation of fluid flow in engineering applications: indoor climate as a pilot (RP)
- ChEss Machines For ElectriFiEd Construction SiTes (EFFECT)
- Improving resilience: Using insurance data to design better loss prevention (II)
A124: Digitalized Health Care II
Lightning Talks 12 min (3 min per project)
- BioAct: self-powered biodegradable pressure sensor for wireless post-surgical/cardiovascular patient management
- OrganoFeed: Feedback-enhanced organoid maturation towards higher reproducibility for in-vitro drug
- PelvicMIM -A Multimodal Imaging Matrix for enhanced diagnosis and understanding of childbirth-related Pelvic floor muscle injuries
- Digital Twins of Human Neuromusculoskeletal System: Challenges and Future Perspectives in Personalized Neuro-rehabilitation (RP)
Breakout Sessions 15 min: Interactive Digital Poster Presentations, 1 Display per Project
14:20 -15:00 Postdoc Session
Session Chair: Sandra Pauletto
Lightning talks – 1 min per postdoc project
Interactive Postdoc Poster Presentations – BEST POSTER AWARD
Children and sustainability: Designing digital tools for collaborative survival |
Connecting Bodies: Designing Shape-changing Wearables to Improve Remote Body-based Communication |
Design and Policy Considerations for (Inter)Personal Data |
Design guidelines for recognisable digital social touch from soft robotic haptic technologies |
Designing Interaction-Aware Heterogeneous Multi-Robot Systems |
Distributed Optimal Control Strategies for Networked Multiagent Systems |
Dynamic In-Transit Cyber Defence through AI-assisted Network Monitoring (name change: Comprehensive Network Insight for Resilient Infrastructures) |
Environmental Monitoring with Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (Risk Aware Planning and Control for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles) |
Explainable Machine Learning for Development of Early Warning Systems Emergensy |
Extraction of Parkinson’s disease related temporal feature of brain activity |
Fairness and Bias of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Technologies in Education: Challenges and Future Directions |
Fast Distributed Learning based on Adaptive Gradient Coding with Convergence Guarantees |
Felt Connections: Creating Rich Physical Interactions for Children through Shape-Changing Textiles |
Lego Inspired accessible and automated design framework for demanding Edge AI Systems |
Partner Postdoc Fellow Project: Environmental impacts of digitalization based on life-cycle assessment |
Patient empowerment and patient-reported outcomes through mHealth in NCDs in Uganda |
Rapid space-based Detection, Dimensions, and Drivers of forest fires within the context of forest-based climate solutions (3DFire) |
Sensory-based hierarchical control of intelligent multi-vehicle systems |
SMART- Smart Predictive Maintenance for the Pharmaceutical Industry |
Technology Mediated Collective Caring through Menstrual and Reproductive Journeys |
Theory and Methods for Privacy-Preserving Network Localization |
Towards Smart Cities: Collaborative Spatial Perception for Digital Twinning |
15:00 – 15:30 Coffee Break & Interactive Postdoc Poster Presentations
15:30 – 16:00 Single Session
A123: Smart Society & Digitalized Industry I
Lightning Talks 18 min (3 min per project)
- Environmental Life Cycle Impacts of Digital Technologies and their use in Society (ELID) (II)
- SimOPT Simulator-Embedded Nonlinear Programming for Optimized Process Design and Decision Support (II)
- SHIFT-DT: Sustainable, Holistic, Integrated Framework for Ship Design and Production Transformation through DigitalTwins (RP)
- Mixed Reality Shared Engagement in Cultural Events (SECE) (II)
- RECOPS-Resilence and cost benefits of open-source software in the power sector (RP)
- Digitalization driving sustainability – dealing with complexity (Seed)
Breakout Sessions 15 min: Interactive Digital Poster Presentations, 1 Display per Project
16:00 – 16:40 Single Session
A123: Smart Society & Digitalized Industry II
Lightning Talks 18 min (3 min per project)
- Preserving a Rich Legacy of Swedish Engineering Design using Artificial Intelligence (SweDesAI) (II)
- Stockholm EnviroNmental Zone digital Laboratory (SENZ-Lab) (Demo)
- Edge computing for urban traffic monitoring (Demo)
- Open Sandbox: Automated Verification of Security and Safety for Fast Vehicle Software Development (OSAVSS) (II)
- Analysis and Synergy of Hyper-networked Autonomy at the Societal Scale (ASH-NASS) (RP)
- Mediverse: Multimodal clinical exploration and predictive search on a single graph (Demo)
Breakout Sessions 15 min: Interactive Digital Poster Presentations, 1 Display per Project
16:40 – 17:30 Panel Discussion
Chair: Karl H Johansson, Director Digital Futures
17:30 – 17:40 Announcing Best Posters
17:40 – 17:45 Closing
17:45 – 19:00 Networking/Mingle
End of Day