Date and time: 20 April 2023, 08:30 – 18:00 CEST (UTC+2)
Title: Digital Futures Open Research Days 2023
Where: Architecture School building, Osquars Backe 5, KTH main Campus (A108, floor 1 and Digital Futures hub, floor 2)
If you have questions, please get in touch with the organizers by sending a mail to
Welcome to Digital Futures Open Research Days – a rich program covering research projects, partner presentations and panel discussions.
The event is ONSITE at the Architecture School building, KTH main campus.
Welcome, Presentations, Lightning talks and Panel discussion located at A108, floor 1.
Registration, Coffee, Lunch, Breakout sessions and Mingle located at Digital Futures hub, floor 2.
08:30-09:00 Registration & Coffee (Digital Futures hub, floor 2)
09:00-09:15 Welcome and Introduction: Karl H Johansson, Director Digital Futures
09:15-10:05 6G – Communication, Sensing, Computing
- Session chair: Emil Björnson
- Demonstrating Rich and Batteryless Human-Powered Interaction using Backscatter Communication – HumanScatter (Ylva Fernaeus and Thiemo Voigt) – 10 min
- PERCy – Perceptive Dependable Cellular Networks for Road Transport (Martin Törngren) – 10 min
- Enabling Machine-Learning Intelligence for Network Cybersecurity (Nicolas Tsiftes) – 10 min
- including Emergence 2.0: Securing Edge Networks with a Programmable Intelligent Architecture
- Resilient Decentralized Computing: Enabling Trust and Simplicity in Smart Edge Services (Paris Carbone) – 10 min
- Q&A – 10 min
10:05-10:20 COFFEE BREAK (Digital Futures hub, floor 2)
10:20-11:00 Safe and Smart Power Systems
- Session chair: Jan Kronqvist
- AI Techniques for Power Systems Under Cyberattacks (Jan Kronqvist) – 10 min
- Data-driven control and coordination of smart converters for sustainable power system using deep reinforcement learning (Mengfan Zhang) – 10 min
- Machine Learning for Power Electronics-enabled Power Systems: A Unified ML Platform for Power Electronics, Power Systems, and Data Science (Li Cheng) – 10 min
- Q&A – 10 min
11:05-11:50 Trustworthy Software and Systems
- Session chair: Henrik Sandberg
- Threat models for cyber insurance (Carlos Barreto Suarez) – 10 min
- Causal Reasoning for Real-Time Attack Identification in Cyber-Physical Systems (Yeongwoo Kim) – 10 min
- Cyber Safety Cage for Networks (Roberto Guanciale) – 10 min
- PORTALS: Teleporting smart edge services to a serverless future (Paris Carbone) – 5 min
- Q&A – 10 min
12:00-13:00 LUNCH & Postdocs Poster Session (Digital Futures hub, floor 2)
- Session chair: Sandra Pauletto
- Designing Gamified Robot-Enhanced Interventions for Children with Neurodevelopmental Difficulties (Arzu Güneysu Özgür)
- Gender inclusive cybersecurity (Asreen Rostami)
- Personalized Companion Robot for Open-Domain Dialogue in Long-Term Elderly Care (Bahar Irfan)
- Privacy of online proctoring systems in high education settings (Chantal Mutimukwe)
- Deep Wetlands (Francisco J. Peña)
- Decentralized Learning: Second-order, Online and Robust Algorithms with Convergence Guarantees (Jiaojiao Zhang)
- Intelligence through reasoning (Patrick Hammer)
- Fusion of Radar and Optical Remote Sensing Time Series for Wildfire Monitoring with Deep Learning (Puzhao Zhang)
- Secure-by-Construction Controller Synthesis of Cyber-Physical Systems (Siyuan Liu)
- Digital Transformations for Optimizing the Post-Pandemic Sustainable Smart City (Stacy Ann Vallis)
- Data Work in Grassroots Community Organizing for Disability Justice (Stacy Hsueh)
- Unraveling the potential of AI and Earth Observation for accurate population predictions in urban regions – Predicting population growth in data-scarce areas using Earth Observation and Deep Learning techniques’ (POPAI) (Sebastian Hafner)
13:00-13:50 AI for Environment (lightning talks followed by breakout session)
- Session chair: Yifang Ban
- EO-AI4Global Change (Yifang Ban) – 5 min
- AI-based prediction of urban climate and its impact on built environments (Giovanni Calzolari) – 3 min
- Autonomous drones and AI-assisted computer vision for near real-time mapping and management of wild stock (Mikhail Popov) – 3 min
- Fighting Dengue Fever with Aerial Drones (Markus Flierl and Thiemo Voigt) – 3 min
- An AI-based framework for harmonizing climate policies and projects with the SDGs (Francesca Larosa) – 3 min
- Breakout session 13:20-13:50 (2×15 min / changing session)
- Station #1:
- EO-AI4GC AI4Wildfire: Detection, Monitoring and Prediction (Yu Zhao, Puzhao Zhang & Yifang Ban and Sebastian Gerard & Josephine Sullivan)
- EO-AI4GC AI4DisasterMapping (Ritu Yadev & Andrea Nascetti and Heng Fang & Hossein Azzizpour)
- Station #2:
- EO-AI4GC EO-AI4Urban (Sebastian Hafner & Yifang Ban)
- AI-based prediction of urban climate and its impact on built environments (Giovanni Calzolari)
- Station #3:
- EO-AI4GC Ecological impact of wildfires on habitat-network, old forest and species distribution (Xi-Lilian Pang & Ulla Mörtberg)
- An AI-based framework for harmonizing climate policies and projects with the SDGs (Francesca Larosa)
- Station #4:
- Autonomous drones and AI-assisted computer vision for near real-time mapping and management of wild stock (Mikhail Popov)
- Fighting Dengue Fever with Aerial Drones (Markus Flierl and Thiemo Voigt)
- Station #1:
13:55-14:40 Smart Mobility (lightning talks followed by breakout session)
- Session chair: Jonas Mårtensson
- Advanced Adaptive Intelligent Systems – AAIS (Parag Khanna) – 5 min
- Learning in Routing Games for Sustainable Electromobility – RoSE (Henrik Sandberg) – 3 min
- cAIMBER: Causal Artificial Intelligence for Human Mobility Behavior Analysis Using Trajectory Data (Zhenliang Ma) – 2 min
- Susan’s Ride on Campus2030 (Martin Törngren) – 3 min
- Breakout session 14:10-14:40 (2×15 min / changing session)
- Station #1:
- Exploring the Complexities of Close Proximity Human-Robot Collaboration (Parag Khanna and Elmira Yadollahi)
- Susan’s Ride on Campus2030 (Martin Törngren)
- Station #2:
- Learning in Routing Games for Sustainable Electromobility – RoSE (Henrik Sandberg)
- cAIMBER: Causal Artificial Intelligence for Human Mobility Behavior Analysis Using Trajectory Data (Zhenliang Ma)
- Station #1:
14:40-15:10 COFFEE BREAK (Digital Futures hub, floor 2)
15:10-15:55 Digitalized Built Environment (lightning talks followed by breakout session)
- Session chair: Mattias Höjer
- Decision-making in Critical Societal Infrastructures – DEMOCRITUS (Viktoria Fodor) – 5 min
- Towards Safe Smart Construction: Algorithms, Digital Twins and Infrastructures (Victor Ayala) – 3 min
- Improving air quality and Health risk forecasts by data-driven modelling of traffic and atmospheric environment – iHorse (Zhiguo Zhang) – 2 min
- DIRAC: DynamIc uRban roAd traffiC noise simulation model using passive and publicly available data (Romain Rumpler) – 2 min
- Faster-than-real-time and high-resolution simulation of fluid flow in engineering applications: indoor climate as a pilot (Wei Liu) – 2 min
- Breakout session 15:25-15:55 (2×15 min / changing session)
- Station #1:
- DEMOCRITUS Estimating pollution spread in water networks as a Schrödinger bridge problem with partial information (Michele Mascherpa)
- DEMOCRITUS Energy-Adaptive Sparsification for Federated Learning (Shubham Vaishnav)
- Station #2:
- DEMOCRITUS Intrusion detection in large networked systems (Xiaoxuan Wang)
- DEMOCRITUS Over the air federated learning (Henrik Hellström)
- Station #3:
- Towards Safe Smart Construction: Algorithms, Digital Twins and Infrastructures (Victor Ayala)
- Improving air quality and Health risk forecasts by data-driven modelling of traffic and atmospheric environment – iHorse (Zhiguo Zhang)
- Station #4:
- DIRAC: DynamIc uRban roAd traffiC noise simulation model using passive and publicly available data (Romain Rumpler)
- Faster-than-real-time and high-resolution simulation of fluid flow in engineering applications: indoor climate as a pilot (Wei Liu)
- Station #1:
16:00-17:00 How to get impact from digital transformation research – Panel Discussion
- Chair: Karl H Johansson, Director Digital Futures
- Panelists: Simon Knight, Saikat Chatterjee, Hedvig Kjellström, Tobias Oechtering, Roberto Guanciale, Emil Björnson, and Elena Gutierrez Farewik.
17:00-18:00 Networking & Mingle (Digital Futures hub, floor 2)
End of Day