Digital Reset with Steffen Lange, Per Bolund and Jytte Guteland

Date and time: 15 December 2022, 08:00 – 09:00 CET. Breakfast from 07:30.
Title: Digital Reset with Steffen Lange, Per Bolund and Jytte Guteland
Where: VIC studio, Lindstedtsvägen 5, vån 3, KTH Campus OR Zoom

For participation at the VIC Studio – please register latest 14 December at this link:

A maximum of 30 participants are onsite. First-come, first-served basis.

Location: Zoom
Meeting ID: 686 5000 8266
Password: 400595

Welcome to the Swedish launch of the report Digital Reset – Redirecting Technologies for the Deep Sustainability Transformation. The report presents principles for how developments within digitalization can support sustainability. It is based on a Science in Dialogue project with 15 European experts financed by the Bosch foundation.

The report is the outcome of the project ‘Digitalization for Sustainability – Science in Dialogue’ (D4S), a two-year scientific dialogue amongst 15 European experts – including Digital Futures faculty member Mattias Höjer, Professor, Environmental strategies and Futures studies at KTH Royal Institute of Technology. Steffen Lange, one of the two lead authors, presents the report. We are looking forward to a discussion with politicians and participants on how politics on national and European levels can support sustainable development supported by digitalization.


Moderator: Mattias Höjer, Professor KTH, Digital Futures and KTH Climate Action Centre

07:30 Breakfast is served

08:00 Digital Reset – Report launch by Steffen Lange, Lead author of Digital Reset, PhD Institute for Ecological Economy Research (IÖW), Einstein Centre for Digital Future, Berlin (online)

Steffen Lange

08:20 Digitalisation for sustainability by Mattias Höjer, Co-author of Digital Reset. Professor KTH, Digital Futures faculty and KTH Climate Action Centre

Picture of Mattias Höjer 1x1

Mattias Höjer

08:30 How politics on national and European levels can support sustainable development supported by digitalization? Comments from politicians: Per Bolund, Spokesperson of the Swedish Green Party and Jytte Guteland, Member of Parliament, Swedish Social Democratic party.

Per Bolund

Jytte Guteland

08:50 Panel discussion

09:00 End of event


About the report:

Time seems out of joint. The world society has experienced a centennial pandemic, the global thermometer has displayed a sequence of the hottest years on record, and Russia’s war on Ukraine has shattered political order. Unsurprisingly, the economy is severely affected. Governments worldwide hope that digital technologies can provide key solutions. Yet, we argue digitalization, in its current and mainstream form, is rather aggravating than solving many of the problems at hand. What is needed instead is a deep sustainability transformation that fundamentally reorganizes the economy and all its sectors.

Our report shows how digitalization can support the quest for a deep sustainability transformation. It dives into the sectors of agriculture, mobility, energy, consumption, industry and buildings. It presents specific policies that can redress the risks and support the opportunities of digital technologies for transformation. Moreover, the report provides a blueprint for the European Union on how to reconceptualize governance of digital services, data, artificial intelligence, as well as business models so that digitalization contributes to achieving carbon neutrality, resource autonomy and economic resilience.

Any questions? Please contact Mattias Höjer by mail:

Date and time

December 15, 2022, 08:00 - 09:00

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