Date and time: 10 June 2021, 12:00 – 13:00 CEST (UTC +2)
Speaker: Emil Björnson, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Title: Evolving Mobile Broadband Connectivity Towards 6G
Meeting ID: 695 6088 7455
Password: 755440
Watch the recorded presentation here:
Abstract: The world is becoming increasingly digitalized and connected, and mobile broadband connectivity is the backbone of this development. The demand for capacity and expectations on service quality is constantly increasing, which calls for continuous technological evolution. The wireless technology is developed in cycles; a new generation is developed during each decade and then deployed during the next decade. The roll-out of 5G networks is happening as we speak; however, the research community has already shifted focus towards 6G, the sixth generation of mobile network technology.
In this seminar, we will take a look at the wireless evolution towards 6G and focus on mobile broadband applications, where the service quality is characterized by the data speed and traffic capacity. How much faster must wireless technology become and what are the real bottlenecks? We will discuss which factors determine the data speed and how those factors might be improved in the future, including which new innovative solutions are on the drawing table. Lessons from the past will be combined with visions for the future, to determine what we reasonably know about 6G.
Bio: Emil Björnson is a Visiting Full Professor at KTH since 2020 and is otherwise an Associate Professor at Linköping University. He received a PhD degree in telecommunications from KTH in 2011. He performs research on multiple-antenna communications, radio resource allocation, machine learning for communications, and energy-efficient network design. His papers have received more than 13000 citations. He has a podcast called Wireless Future and a popular YouTube channel with the same name.
In recent years, he has received the 2020 Pierre-Simon Laplace Early Career Technical Achievement Award, the 2020 CTTC Early Achievement Award, the 2019 EURASIP Early Career Award, the 2019 IEEE ComSocFred W. Ellersick Prize, and the 2018 IEEE Marconi Prize Paper Award in Wireless Communications.