Date and time: 23 September 2021, 12:00 – 13:00 CEST (UTC +2)
Speaker: Fan Liu, Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech)
Title: Integrated Sensing and Communications (ISAC) Towards 6G and Beyond
Meeting ID: 695 6088 7455
Password: 755440
Watch the recorded presentation here
Abstract: As the standardization of 5G is being solidified, researchers are speculating what 6G will be. Integrating sensing functionality is emerging as a key feature of the 6G Radio Access Network (RAN), allowing the exploitation of the dense cell infrastructure for constructing a perceptive network. This type of technique is often referred to as “Integrated Sensing and Communications (ISAC)”. In this talk, I will first introduce the background and motivation of the ISAC technology. As a step further, I will present our recent results on ISAC waveform design and ISAC for V2X communications. Finally, I will conclude the talk by identifying and discussing major open problems in ISAC.
Bio: Dr Fan Liu is currently an Assistant Professor of the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech). He received the PhD and the BEng. degrees from Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT), Beijing, China, in 2018 and 2013, respectively. He has previously held academic positions in the University College London (UCL), firstly as a Visiting Researcher from 2016 to 2018, and then as a Marie Curie Research Fellow from 2018 to 2020. He was the recipient of the Best PhD. Thesis Award of Chinese Institute of Electronics in 2019, the Marie Curie Individual Fellowship in 2018, and has been named as an Exemplary Reviewer for several IEEE Journals. He is an Associate Editor of the IEEE Communications Letters, a Lead Guest Editor of the IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC) Special Issue on “Integrated Sensing and Communications (ISAC)”, and Academic Chair of the IEEE ComSoc ISAC Emerging Technology Initiative (ISAC-ETI). He has served as the organizer and Co-Chair for several workshops, special sessions and tutorials in flagship IEEE conferences. He is the TPC Co-Chair of the IEEE 2nd Symposium on Joint Communications and Sensing (JC&S) and will serve as the Track Co-Chair for the IEEE WCNC 2024. His research interests include ISAC, vehicular network and intelligent transportation, and mmWave communications. He is an Independent Consultant for Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. and a member of the IMT-2030 (6G) ISAC Task Group.