Date: 15-17 November 2023
Title: International Conference on Digitalization and Artificial Intelligence in Agricultural Management
Where: Digital Futures hub, Osquars Backe 5, floor 2 at KTH main campus Stockholm, Sweden
This conference is not only for scientists but also for those from outside the scientific world working on transitions to more efficient and sustainable agriculture systems, towards climate mitigation and adaptation, and a circular economy focusing on the sustainable use and management of natural resources.
You can still register by sending your name, affiliation and position to
New deadline for abstract submission: 22 September 2023We invite colleagues from academia and the business sector involved in the application of artificial intelligence in agriculture to submit an abstract (Template). Abstracts (200 words) must be written in English and submitted via email to
- AI in data collection to support monitoring and management of agricultural systems
- Climate change and mitigation of environmental impacts using AI
- AI in the optimization of agricultural management
- Sustainability science perspective on AI application on agricultural systems
Agriculture plays a vital role and faces tremendous pressure to feed a growing world population from limited available resources. This pressure has been mitigated by intensive management practices, relying, e.g. on the massive use of fertilizers and chemicals and extensive monoculture areas. However, this approach has its own limitations and undesirable effects, making clear the need for sustainable actions while increasing yields. AI-based agricultural management has brought emerging opportunities to improve agricultural sustainability. However, to find the right, feasible and viable solutions to make the transition towards sustainable agriculture systems that feed an increasing population under the planetary boundaries, it is necessary that scientists from different fields join forces together with industry.
This conference aims to focus on finding solutions for the agriculture issues of our time. It promotes the exchange of scientific research and solutions from industry for interdisciplinary collaboration and networking. To bring scientists and stakeholders that have the same goal and work on the same societal issue but have different backgrounds. By bringing the people and their knowledge together, we may be able to take the steps towards solutions that can bring our agriculture systems to a more sustainable situation.
This conference is framed around themes connected to our time’s big transitions. Each theme is kicked off by two plenary keynote speeches of 20 min, followed by a discussion. After the plenary session, a range of different parallel sessions will be organized.
We want to stress that this conference is not only for scientists but also for those people from outside the scientific world working on transitions to more efficient and sustainable agriculture systems, towards climate mitigation and adaptation, and a circular economy with a focus on the sustainable use and management of the natural resources.
Program-updated-2023-11-15 (for download)
Links to Zoom for ONLINE participants:
15th Nov (9:00 – 13:00):
15th Nov (14:00 – 17:30):
16th Nov (9:00 – 12:30):
16th Nov (13:30 – 17:00):
17th Nov (9:00 – 12:30):

Josse De Baerdemaeker
Josse De Baerdemaeker, Emeritus Professor, KU Leuven, Division of Mechatronics, Biostatistics and Sensors (MeBioS)

Joel Hamrén
Joel Hamrén, Product Owner Agronod platform

Guillermo Marcillo
Guillermo Marcillo, Assistant Professor, West Texas A&M University

Matthew Harrison
Matthew Harrison, Associate Professor, Tasmanian Institute of Agriculture in Launceston, Australia

Angelika Hilbeck
Angelika Hilbeck, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Institute for Integrative Biology

Daniel Jiménez R.
Daniel Jiménez R., Senior Scientist, Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT

Tetyana Zelenska
Tetyana Zelenska, Head of Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning, Digital Green

Panos Pardalos
Panos Pardalos, Professor Emeritus, University of Minnesota

Josh Woodard
Josh Woodard, Senior Digital Advisor, U.S. Agency for International Development’s Bureau for Resilience and Food Security
DOWNLOAD Book of Abstracts for International Conference on Digitalization and Artificial Intelligence in Agricultural Management 2023.
The International Conference on Digitalization and Artificial Intelligence in Agricultural Management, held from November 15-17, 2023, provided a platform for academics and industry experts engaged in the application of artificial intelligence (AI) in agriculture. The conference aimed to address the challenges faced by the agricultural sector in feeding a growing global population with limited resources.
The event – Focus period 2023 – focused on key themes such as AI’s role in data collection for monitoring and managing agricultural systems, climate change mitigation through AI, optimization of agricultural management using AI, and the sustainability science perspective on AI applications in agricultural systems.
Recognizing the pressures on agriculture and the limitations of traditional practices, the conference highlighted the potential of AI-based agricultural management to bring about sustainable solutions. Emphasizing the need for interdisciplinary collaboration, the conference aimed to unite scientists from various fields with industry stakeholders to explore feasible and viable solutions for transitioning to sustainable agriculture systems.
The conference featured plenary keynote speeches and discussions, followed by parallel sessions addressing different themes. It aimed to foster collaboration not only among scientists but also with individuals outside the scientific community working on efficient and sustainable agriculture systems, climate mitigation and adaptation, and circular economies with a focus on the responsible use of natural resources. Overall, the conference provided a crucial platform for sharing scientific research, industry solutions, and fostering collaboration to address contemporary agricultural challenges.
DOWNLOAD Book of Abstracts for International Conference on Digitalization and Artificial Intelligence in Agricultural Management 2023.
Angelika Hilbeck, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Antoine Harfouche, University of Tuscia, Italy
António Ferreira, Politechnic Institute of Coimbra, Portugal
Coen Ritsema, Wageningen University, The Netherlands
Cristiano Premebida, Coimbra University, Portugal
Giuliano Vitali, University of Bologna, Italy
Guillermo Marcillo, West Texas A&M University, USA
Daniel Jimenez, Consultative Group for International Agricultural Research (CGIAR), France
Dennis Collentine, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Sweden
Jennifer Gabrys, University of London, UK
Kalle Åström, Lund University, Sweden
Kevin Mallinger, SBA Research, Austria
Lúcia Barão, University of Lisbon, Portugal
Mardavij Roozbehani, Massachusetts Instituto of Technology (MIT), USA
Mattew Harrison, University of Tasmania, Australia
Martyn Futter, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Sweden
Mohammad Ehteram, Semnan University, Iran
Naira Hovakimyan, University of Illinois, USA
Pan Zhao, University of Alabama, USA
Panos Pardalos, University of Florida, USA
Per-Erik Jansson, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
Sevim Seda Yamaç, Konya Food and Agriculture University, Turkey
Spyros Fountas, University of Athens, Greece
Thomas Kätterer, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Sweden
Thomas Neubauer, SBA Research, Austria
Questions? Please get in touch with Carla Ferreira by mailing to

Carla Ferreira – Researcher, Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra, Portugal

Zahra Kalantari – Associate Professor, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden and Director WaterCentre@KTH

Victor Galaz – Associate Professor, Stockholm Resilience Centre, Sweden

Stefan Daume – Researcher, Stockholm Resilience Centre, Sweden