Training Beam Sequence Design for Millimeter Wave Tracking Systems

Date and time: 15 April 2021, 12:00 – 13:00 CEST (UTC +2)
Speaker: Deyou Zhang is a Postdoctoral researcher at Digital Future
Title: Training Beam Sequence Design for Millimeter Wave Tracking Systems

Meeting ID: 695 6088 7455
Password: 755440

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Picture of Deyou ZhangAbstract: Millimetre-wave (mmWave) communications have emerged as a promising solution to meet the ever-increasing data demand in the next-generation wireless networks thanks to the rich amount of available spectrum resources. However, beamforming, the enabler of mmWave communications, requires the accurate angle of departures (AoDs) at the transmitter and angle of arrivals (AoAs) at the receiver, which is usually time-consuming to obtain due to the highly directional transmission and reception in mmWave communications. This becomes more challenging in time-varying scenarios since the time-demanding beam training process has to be invoked frequently to update the stale AoAs and AoDs, which incurs significant traffic overhead.

As potential solutions to address the aforementioned issue, novel beam tracking techniques for time-varying mmWave multiple-input single-output (MISO) system will be introduced in this talk, and several efficient training beam sequence designs that are suitable for different AoD tracking scenarios will be explained as well.

Bio: Deyou Zhang is a Postdoctoral researcher at Digital Futures, supervised by Dr Ming Xiao, Prof. Lihui Wang at KTH, and Dr Zhibo Pang at ABB. He received the B.S. and M.S. degrees at Harbin Institute of Technology, China, in 2012 and 2014 respectively, and the PhD degree at the University of Sydney, Australia, in 2020.

Deyou Zhang mainly works on millimetre wave tracking systems during his PhD course and has 7 journal papers submitted to or published on IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, IEEE Transactions on Communications, and IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, as well as 4 conference papers published on IEEE International Conference on Communications. His research interests include millimetre wave communications, intelligent reflecting surface, device-free positioning, etc., and he currently works on improving the beam tracking performance for mobile millimetre wave communications using machine learning algorithms.

Profile of Deyou Zhang

Date and time

April 15, 2021, 12:00 - 13:00

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