Workshop on Diversity and Inclusion in technologies for a digital transformation

Date and time: 25 November 2021, 13:00 – 15:00 CET
Title: Workshop on Diversity and Inclusion in technologies for a digital transformation
Where: Digital Futures hub, Osquars Backe 5, floor 2 at KTH main campus

The workshop is particularly directed towards new and young faculty, but also open to all interested. Maximum 30 participants are onsite at Digital Futures hub. First-come, first-served basis.
For onsite participation – please register before 18 November here:

If you are unable to participate on-site you are welcome to join us via Zoom:
Meeting ID: 610 7673 9539

Invitation to workshop on Diversity and Inclusion in technologies for a digital transformation

Digital Futures launched a call for Diversity and Inclusion in technologies for a digital transformation with a focus on digitalization supporting the development in low-income countries. The projects were more specifically aiming to target digitalization as a means to develop technological progress and/or education, health or democracy in low-income regions. The idea was also to provide an opportunity for technological sharing and transfer between Swedish teams and collaborating partners in low- and middle-income countries, which also is consistent with SDG 17.6 efforts which emphasize bi-directional knowledge and skills sharing.

Two projects were funded:

  • Digitalising Mental Healthcare Access in Uganda (DiMHA)
  • Fighting Dengue Fever with Aerial Drones

At this workshop, Digital Futures Faculty members will be invited to hear more about these two projects as well as discuss the ideas behind them, learn about results so far and get informed about potential outcomes as well as meet project members.

At the workshop, other projects focusing on digital transformation in, and together with, low-income regions will also be presented and discussed. One such project is “ICT-supported online rehabilitation after stroke in Uganda” by Susanne Guidetti et al from Karolinska Institutet. Another presentation is by Daniel Paska from Ericsson’s Technology for Good program on the theme “How Ericsson works in low-income regions to facilitate connectivity and Internet access – challenges and opportunities”.

Tentative agenda

13:00  Introduction by Uno Fors, Digital Futures Associate Director for Diversity and Inclusion

13:10  Presentation of the Digitalising Mental Healthcare Access in Uganda project, John Owuor, SU and Peter Kjäll, RISE

13:30  Presentation of the Fighting Dengue Fever with Aerial Drones project, Markus Flierl, KTH and Thiemo Voigt, RISE

13:50  Coffee break

14:10  Presentation of the ICT-supported online rehab after stroke in Uganda project, Susanne Guidetti et al, Karolinska Institutet

14:30  Presentation “How Ericsson work in low-income regions to facilitate connectivity and Internet access – challenges and opportunities”, Daniel Paska, Ericsson’s Technology for Good program

14:50  Wrap-up and final discussions

For questions, you are welcome to contact Uno Fors, Digital Fututes Associate Director for Diversity and Inclusion, e-mail

Date and time

November 25, 2021, 13:00 - 15:00

Events & seminars