Workshop on Sensor technologies for cleaner water

Date and time: 6 April 14:30-16:00 CEST (UTC +2)
Title: Sensor technologies for cleaner water
Where: FA32, AlbaNova, Roslagstullsbacken 21


The research workshop is organised by WaterCentre@KTH and co-organized by Digital Futures Collaborative project DEMOCRITUS.

Sensors are being used more and more to measure and control water and its infrastructure. This workshop will present some different applications for sensors and their possible future use within the vast field of water management.


14:30 Opening & introduction
Carlo Fischione, Joydeep Dutta and David Nilsson

14:40 Sensing Water

In situ monitoring of ions with electrochemical sensors as a valuable source of information
Maria Cuartero, KTH

Printed tools for robotized testing of electrochemical sensors
Mats Sandberg, RISE

Detection of single biomolecules using fluorophores and quantum dots
Jan Linnros, KTH

15:30 Panel discussion

Ivan Stenius, Swedish Maritime Robotics Centre / KTH
Anette Seger, Vattenindustrin and Ramboll Sweden (TBC)
Anna Norström, Svenskt Vatten

15.50 Open floor

16.00 End time

Date and time

April 6, 2022, 14:30 - 16:00

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