On 29 November Digital Futures had the pleasure of hosting the first onsite Postdoc Networking event. Some 30 postdocs gathering at the hub were welcomed by the Digital Futures Operations team and Madeline Balaam, Associate Professor, Division of Media Technology and Interaction Designs at KTH and Associate Director for Mobility at Digital Futures.
– Finally, we have the opportunity to get to know each other – postdocs and projects funded by Digital Futures. You come from all over the world and you have come here, to Stockholm, to work on projects that bridge departments, institutions, and disciplines. It is really great to see so many of you here tonight, started Madeline Balaam. Madeline then continued presenting future postdoc event opportunities and communication channels.
It was a sparkling and bubbly evening, the Digital Futures Christmas tree was of course nicely decorated, jazz music playing in the background, and a great networking game, organized by Arzu Guneysu Ozgur, Mareike Glöss and Xuyang Wu, really boosted mingle and conversations.
– I really appreciated the cosy Digital Futures hub atmosphere and all the fun moments, and great conversations on research topics we shared with postdocs while playing the games. We already started a social group to further interact and I am sure this amazing group of postdocs will bring up more social, career-oriented, or research-oriented events during the new year! I am glad to be part of Digital Futures who supported us for each aspect of the organization, and gave chance to get to know each other, concluded Arzu Guneysu Ozgur.
Find out more about some of our postdocs on the Digital Futures website