
Digital Futures fosters collaboration and innovation through dynamic programs and initiatives. Discover opportunities for academia-industry exchanges, fellowship programs, cross-disciplinary postdoc positions, and talent scouting efforts. Explore our diversity and inclusion initiatives, specialized courses, and research opportunities for students at all levels—including summer programs designed to inspire the next generation of innovators.

Open calls for mobility

The Digital Futures Scholar-in-Residence (SIR) programme aims to provide scholars at non-Swedish universities with financial support to enable short and longer-term visits to the Digital Futures environment.

Postdoc Fellowships are part of the Digital Futures mobility program. With this program of funding, we aim to support talented early-career researchers in pursuing their research ideas in a new research group.

The Digital Futures Summer Early Career (SEC) visiting programme aims to support early career scholars at non-Swedish universities to enable short and mid-term visits to the Digital Futures environment.