Thomas Parisini

Scholar in residence August-September 2023
Thomas Parisini received a PhD degree in Electronic Engineering and Computer Science in 1993 from the University of Genoa. He was with Politecnico di Milano, and he currently holds the Chair of Industrial Control and serves as the Head of the Control and Power Research Group at Imperial College London. He is a Deputy Director of the KIOS Research and Innovation Centre of Excellence, University of Cyprus. Since 2001 he is also Danieli Endowed Chair of Automation Engineering with the University of Trieste. From 2009-2012 he was Deputy Rector of the University of Trieste.

In 2018 he received an Honorary Doctorate from the University of Aalborg, Denmark. He authored or co-authored a research monograph and over 400 research papers in archival journals, book chapters, and international conference proceedings. He is a co-recipient of the IFAC Best Application Paper Prize of the Journal of Process Control, Elsevier, for the three-year period 2011-2013 and of the 2004 Outstanding Paper Award of the IEEE Trans. on Neural Networks. He is also a recipient of the 2007 IEEE Distinguished Member Award. In 2016, he was awarded as Principal Investigator at Imperial of the H2020 European Union flagship Teaming Project KIOS Research and Innovation Centre of Excellence led by the University of Cyprus with an overall budget of over 40 Million euros.

Thomas Parisini has served as the 2021-2022 President of the IEEE Control Systems Society, and from 2009-2016, he was the Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Trans. on Control Systems Technology. Since 2017, he has been the Editor of Control Applications of Automatica, and since 2018 he has been the Editor in Chief of the European Journal of Control. Among other activities, he was the Program Chair of the 2008 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and General Co-Chair of the 2013 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. Prof. Parisini is a Fellow of the IEEE and of the IFAC.

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