Navigating faculty development at the Digital Futures Faculty Workshop

Members of Digital Futures Faculty came together at the Coor Conference – Garnisonen in Stockholm for a Workshop on November 22. Organized by David Broman, the Associate Director of Faculty at Digital Futures, the event aimed to dig into faculty development through interesting discussions, panels, and networking.

The afternoon started with a casual registration and mingling session, encouraging everyone to collaborate and connect. David Broman then gave a warm welcome, setting the scene for the day’s exploration.

Karl H Johansson shares an update on Digital Futures.

The agenda commenced with a peek into “Digital Futures updates” by Digital Futures Director Karl H. Johansson, sharing what the organization has been up to and where it’s headed. Then followed two panels.

Panel 1: “Getting Well-known and Promoted” was introduced by David Broman.

The first panel, titled “Getting Well-known and Promoted”, looked at aspects of academia like citations, impact, education, and leadership. The panellists – Anders Söderholm, President and Professor at KTH; Georgia Destouni, Professor at Stockholm University; Jonas Beskow, Professor at KTH; Kristina Höök, Professor at KTH and RISE  and Ricardo Vinuesa, Associate Professor at KTH – shared practical advice on gaining recognition and moving up the career ladder.

Left to right: Anders Söderholm, Kristina Höök, Jonas Beskow, Georgia Destouni and Ricardo Vinuesa.

A coffee break provided a chance for everyone to recharge and have informal chats, making the networking part even more enjoyable. The workshop then shifted focus to “Building a successful research group.” Panelists Emil Björnson, Professor at KTH; Henrik Sandberg, Professor at KTH; Iolanda Leite, Associate Professor at KTH; Karl H. Johansson, Professor at KTH; and Madeline Balaam, Professor at KTH.

Panel 2: “Building a Successful Research Group” with Emil Björnson, Henrik Sandberg, Iolanda Leite, Karl H. Johansson, and Madeline.Balaam. Photo: Mario Romero Vega

The day wrapped up with a rundown of the key points from both panels, offering a roadmap for professional growth. After the program, participants mingled over refreshments and dinner. The event wasn’t just about learning; it also built a lively community of people dedicated to collaborative growth in faculty development.

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