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Optimizing Artificial Heart Function in Sweden’s First Patient Simulator
Cardiovascular disease is the main cause of death worldwide. In Sweden, 2% of people suffer…

New project to investigate people´s safety perceptions
A new research project in the Senseable Stockholm Lab will look at perceptions of safety…

Registration is open – Distinguished lecture & Hot Soup with Prof Gesche Joost
Welcome to register for the Distinguished lecture “Research Kitchen on an inclusive Digital Society” with…

Season’s Greetings!
Thank you to everyone for their hard work in developing Digital Futures into a leading…

Digital Futures: Societal-Scale Digital Transformation: Triple-Helix or Triple-Crux?
The traditional workhorse of innovation in society has been academia leading transfer projects with industry…

Education sector plays a central role in catalyzing change and innovation in society
One year has passed since Teresa Cerratto Pargman joined Digital Futures Executive Committee as Associate Director for…

Ericsson: The future of XR and the role of the network platform
With breakthroughs in XR (Extended Reality) technologies delivered through stylish and lightweight devices (such as…

Karolinska Institute: AI in Medical Research and Healthcare
Today several research projects show that AI (artificial intelligence) can perform as well as or…

Miking Workshop 2022 – coding, hands-on tutorials and robot charades
On Wednesday, 14 December, KTH and industry participants gathered for the Miking Workshop 2022. It…

City of Stockholm – Senseable Stockholm Lab: Unpacking perceived safety in urban environments
The City of Stockholm has very high targets for improving the perceived safety among the population…

IVA: Small and medium-sized companies’ digital transformation – challenges and opportunities
That the manufacturing industry in Sweden and its partners, both small and medium-sized companies, can…

Region Stockholm: Innovations in Healthcare with human needs in focus, benefitting from digital transformation and technologies
Research and Innovation in Healthcare are vital parts of Region Stockholm’s daily work. Research that…

Scania: Perfect road traffic information powered by 6G – but what about privacy?
The drive to make road transport safer, more effective and less polluting has been going…

Additional four Research pairs and three Research pairs consolidator projects
The funding instrument Digital Futures Research pairs is intended to foster collaboration between two young…

Five new Demonstrator projects to foster societal outreach
The Digital Futures research programme continues to expand, adding five new 2-year Demonstrator projects. The…

AstraZeneca joins Digital Futures Industrial & Societal Partnership Programme
Digitalization has the potential to create a more resource-efficient and sustainable society. With Digital Futures,…