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Digital Futures – part of 28-strong delegation paving the way for new research collaborations with the US


In May, Digital Futures was part of a delegation from KTH that participated in a…

Picture of Katie Winkle with robot

Postdoc fellow Katie learned a lot about working with interdisciplinary and international researchers…


After originally studying to be a mechanical engineer, Katie Winkle undertook a PhD in social robotics at…

Open Research Day is all about research, people and community!


On 21 April Digital Futures kicked off its first Open Research Day also including the…

Digital Futures’ third Faculty Workshop


Welcome by David Broman to the Digital Futures Faculty Workshop on…

Image for Seed projects

Digital Futures is proud to announce four new Seed projects


Digital Futures Seed projects are intended to support activities necessary to create and advance competitive research… DTI Announces AI to Transform Cybersecurity and Secure Critical Infrastructure Awards – four involving Digital Futures

16/05/2022 Digital Transformation Institute ( DTI) has announced the third round of DTI funded…

Well executed thematic matchmaking workshops gathered some 120 participants


Four thematic matchmaking workshops were organized during March and April. Topics were ranging from cyber security…

Announcing two new calls for Research Pairs!


Digital Futures announces calls for Research Pairs Projects & Research Pairs Consolidator Projects Digital Futures will…

Picture of event page

Stockholm Workshop on Emerging Topics in Systems and Control 15-16 June 2022


Stockholm Workshop on Emerging Topics in Systems and Control will be held at KTH Royal…

Announcing new call: Topic proposal for the Digital Futures Focus Period 2023


Digital Futures is now enthusiastically inviting proposals by potential organizers of the Digital Futures Focus…

Celebrating Daniel Forslund featured image

Daniel Forslund – promoter of research and innovation for a more resilient and efficient society


Research focusing on societal challenges was the theme of a Digital Futures seminar organized on…

Picture of Stockholm

Nordic Learning Analytics Summer Institute in Stockholm on 13-14 June 2022


Nordic Learning Analytics Summer Institute – NLASI 2022 will be held at KTH Royal Institute of…

Postdoc Patrick Hammer: I always envisioned AI to become artificial life at some point


Meet Patrick Hammer, postdoc researcher at Stockholm University, Department of Psychology. Before joining Stockholm University, he…

Picture of computer

2-day course: Fundamentals of Bayesian Inference using Probabilistic Programming


Welcome to the world of probabilistic programming and Bayesian inference! In this short course/tutorial (2…

Picture of Stockholm during Summer

Announcing new call: Apply for Digital Futures Summer Research Internships Programme


As part of the Digital Futures initiative’s goal of offering training in the new Science…

Launch of Digital Futures Industrial & Societal Partnership Program


At the Digital Futures Open Research Day on 21 April, Digital Futures launched the Industrial and Societal…

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