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Image for Tech Awards Sweden 2022

Mattias Wiggberg and Software Development Academy in Competence Award / Tech Skills finals at Tech Awards Sweden


Congratulations to Digital Futures faculty member Mattias Wiggberg and KTH’s Software Development Academy who have…

Picture of Nelson Sommerfeldt_photo by KTH

Working towards greater adoption of solar PV and electrification in buildings


Meet Nelson Sommerfeldt, a Postdoc at the Energy Systems Engineering, Economics, and Data Analytics Group…

Picture of Emil Björnson at KTH lab

Tage Erlanders prize to Emil Björnson


Congratulations to Digital Futures fellow Emil Björnson for receiving the Tage Erlanders prize for natural…

Efficient data usage is the core of digitalization, says Xuyang Wu


Xuyang Wu is one of the Postdoctoral researchers at Digital Futures, co-supervised by Prof. Mikael…

Picture of Puzhao Zhang in a garden

We can use satellite remote sensing to monitor dynamic changes happening on the Earth’s surface. Marvellous!


Meet Puzhao Zhang – Postdoc Fellow at Digital Futures. Puzhao received his PhD degree in Pattern Recognition…

The submission deadline is extended to February 14! DTI Announces 3rd Call for Proposals – AI to Transform Cybersecurity & Secure Critical Infrastructure


The submission deadline is extended to February 14! The Digital Transformation Institute announces its third…

Picture of card with Claudia

How can we design technologies that afford both genuine diversity and togetherness at the same time?


Meet Claudia Núñez-Pacheco – Postdoc Fellow at Digital Futures. Claudia Núñez-Pacheco is an interaction design researcher…

We can all feel that AI is changing our world in almost every aspect…


Meet Hao Hu – Postdoc Fellow at Digital Futures. Hao Hu is a postdoc researcher at KTH…

Picture of Frank Jiang demonstrating automated vehicles

In a future where self-driving cars fill our roads, people may still need to intervene, but how?


Swedish researchers are developing ways to grip the steering wheel remotely. In a future where…

Digital tools can play a significant role in helping us link the past with the future!


Meet Stacy Vallis – Postdoc Fellow at Digital Futures. Stacy completed her doctoral studies in architecture at…

Open call: Up to six postdoc fellows in technologies for digital transformation


Digital Futures postdoc fellowships aim to support talented early-career researchers in pursuing their research ideas in a…

Picture of Mounia Lalmas-Roelleke

WASP-ED granted MSEK 18.6 to provide national modern and relevant education in AI and transformational technologies


WASP-ED is a new national program for educational development in artificial intelligence, AI and transformational…

Picture for Machine Learning Day

Machine Learning day on 17 January – now FULLY DIGITAL


A “Machine Learning day” is organized on 17 January 2022. This will be a full-day event…

Season’s Greetings!


It’s been a turbulent but also amazing year! Thanks to all for your hard work… DTI Announces 3rd Call for Proposals – AI to Transform Cybersecurity & Secure Critical Infrastructure


The Digital Transformation Institute announces its third call for research proposals: AI to Transform…

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