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Change in the Operations Team at Digital Futures


Digital Futures would like to inform you of a change in the Operations Team. Hanna…

It was a unique opportunity to practice and harness the skills I’ve learned during my years at KTH, as well as a chance to gain research experience.


Last, but not least, in our series of interviews on Digital Futures Summer Research Internships (SRI) Programme…

I have developed a better understanding of approaching and handling problems of a research-oriented nature.


Next out in our series of interviews is Giorgio, taking part in Digital Futures Summer…

It has been great to take part in the Digital Futures seminars to meet with other students and learn about the panellists’ experience


In our series of interviews with students participating in the Digital Futures Summer Research Internships (SRI) Programme, the turn…

I got to see different research topics in control, for example, self-driving vehicles and attack resilient control systems.


A Summer Research Internships (SRI) Programme was organised during the summer, as part of the Digital Futures…

This internship has encouraged me to deepen my theoretical knowledge to tackle ubiquitous and essential problems


As part of the Digital Futures initiative’s goal of offering training in the new Science…

The three research themes Trust, Cooperate and Learn cut across the four contexts Smart society, Digitalized industry, Rich and healthy life, and Educational Transformation.

Open call: Up to six postdoc fellows in technologies for digital transformation


Digital Futures postdoc fellowships aim to support talented early-career researchers in pursuing their research ideas in a…


Call for Participation: Future Digileaders 2021


Future Digileaders is an event for selected early career researchers interested in the broad area of…

Picture of sunglasses on a beach from Unsplash

Digital Futures at the beach


Now it is time to put your sunglasses on… …and watch some inspiring seminars and…

Image Dengue Fever

Fighting Dengue Fever with Aerial Drones


Diversity and Inclusion projects are 6-18 months-long projects that aim to increase diversity and inclusion…

Picture of Andrew Karvonen

Research focussing on infrastructure networks, sustainability and sociotechnical change


Meet Andrew (Andy) Karvonen, Associate Professor, Urban and Regional Studies at KTH and Associate Director…

Picture of summer flowers_unsplash

Happy Summer!


Dear Readers, Nine months have passed since we inaugurated Digital Futures. It’s been an intensive…

Picture of David Broman

Creating modeling languages and compilers to help scientists and engineers


We talked to David Broman, Associate Professor and Docent at the Division of Software and Computer Systems…

Picture for DiMHA project

Digitalising Mental Healthcare Access in Uganda (DiMHA) – a Diversity & Inclusion project at Digital Futures


Diversity and Inclusion projects are 6-18 months-long projects that aim to increase diversity and inclusion…

This is engineering-3-Unsplash

Additional four Research pairs are breaking new ground…


Sustainable power systems, neuro-rehabilitation, biodegradable components and human-robot interaction… Digital Futures’ four new Research pairs span over…

Picture of curling

Administration, curling, gym and running keeps Fabian busy…


Meet Fabian Wingfors, Administrative Officer, at Digital Futures. Hi Fabian, describe your role at Digital…

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