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Image for Dbrain

dBRAIN is recruiting Postdocs – last application date is 30 April 2021


The goal of the research project Digitizing Brain Data for Health and Disease (dBRAIN) is to…

Picture of Viktoria Fodor - high res

Viktoria Fodor shares research insight on DEMOCRITUS project and why diversity can lead to significant impact


We talked to Viktoria Fodor, Professor at the Division of Network and Systems Engineering, KTH…

Picture of Research matrix - projects mapping

Digital Futures Research Programme Is Taking Shape


Since its inauguration last year, Digital Futures has had several calls for proposals and more…

Picture of Stockholm by Robert Eklund (Unsplash)

Digital Futures Summer Research Internships Programme


As part of the Digital Futures initiative’s goal of offering training in the new Science… DTI Workshop on Data-Driven Decision-Making in Socio-Technical Systems


Digital Futures is part of the DTI consortium. This DTI workshop will further the understanding…

Picture of older man and computer from Unsplash

Digital Futures for Later Life – identifying problems and opportunities to support older people’s digitalization


Digital Futures for Later Life is a new initiative to increase knowledge about how researchers…

Photo of female researcher

Celebrating women in research!


On this International Women’s Day – we proudly present Future Digileaders! Future Digileaders is a…

Photo of Marina Petrova (Photo Marcus Marcetic Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation)

Together with the network infrastructure behind, our smartphones are essentially our doorway to society and the world!


We talked to Marina Petrova, the Vice Director of Digital Futures and Chair of the…

Tom Siebel, C3 AI Founder and CEO

Digital Futures and KTH – First International Consortium Member of Digital Transformation Institute


The Digital Transformation Institute (DTI) today announced that KTH Royal Institute of Technology in…

Open call: Second Call for Research Pairs Projects in Technologies for a Digital Transformation


This is the second call for Research Pairs collaboration projects between two young researchers within…

Open call: Digital Transformation and AI for Energy and Climate Security – New deadline 5 April!


NEW EXTENDED DEADLINE is 5 April 2021! This C3DTI Call for Proposals addresses the challenges for AI and…

I would like to be moved forward in time to the day we get in contact with an extra-terrestrial intelligence!


We talked to James Gross, Professor with the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science School of…

Changes during COVID-19 and the 21st century skills we need for building digital futures!


We talked to Geraldine Fitzpatrick, Professor of Technology Design and Assessment at TU Wien and an…

Season’s Greetings from all of us to all of you!


2020 has been a year as no other, with challenges few of us have experienced…

Research means meeting incredible people and working with exciting issues!


We talked to Jana Tumová, Associate Director Digital Futures and Associate Professor KTH Royal Institute…

Open call:  Up to six postdoc fellows in technologies for a digital transformation


Digital Futures postdoc fellowships aim to support talented early career researchers in pursuing their research ideas in…

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