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Archive 2021


17 December 2021

Speaker: David Basin, ETH Zurich
Title: Robbing the Bank with a Model Checker
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16 December 2021

Speaker: Chuan Ma, Nanjing University of Science and Technology
Title: Resource-Constrained Federated Learning: Fundamental Analysis and Optimizations
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14 December 2021

Speaker: Zheng Chen, Linköping University
Title: Distributed Intelligence over Wireless Networks
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8 December 2021

Speaker: Muriel Médard, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Title: Universal decoding and the grand irrelevance of code construction
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2 December 2021

Speaker: Yapeng Tian, Department of Computer Science at the University of Rochester
Title: Audio-Visual Scene Understanding Towards Unified, Explainable, and Robust Multisensory Perception
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30 November 2021

Speaker: Ricardo Vinuesa and Francesco Fuso Nerini, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Title: The role of artificial intelligence in achieving the SDGs
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24 November 2021

Speaker: Karl H Johansson, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Title: Bode and his sensitivity integral
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23 November 2021

Speaker: Angelia Nedich, Arizona State University
Title: Socio-technological Networks and Decision Making
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18 November 2021

Speaker: Patrick Hammer, Digital Futures Postdoc at Stockholm University
Title: Intelligence through reasoning
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17 November 2021

Speaker: Dimitri Bertsekas, MIT and Arizona State University
Title: Lessons from AlphaZero for Optimal, Model Predictive, and Adaptive Control
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16 November 2021

Speaker: Xenofon Vasilakos, University of Bristol
Title: An Intelligent Approach to Zero Touch Edge & Cloud networking
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11 November 2021

Speaker: Felix Rui Zhu, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Title: Creating a Sustainable Solar City
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9 November 2021

Speaker: Cecilia Katzeff, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Title: Stories from the home of the smart grid
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27 October 2021

Speaker: Martina Scolamiero, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Title: Euler Characteristic
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26 October 2021

Speaker: Mirco Giacobbe, University of Birmingham
Title: Solving Verification Questions using Machine Learning
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15 October 2021

Seminarium: Digital Futures för äldrelivet – presentation på Digitalidag (language is Swedish)
Medverkande: Britt Östlund, Professor and Head of Division at KTH
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14 October 2021

Speaker: Xi-Lillian Pang, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Title: Ecological impact of forest wild-fires vs clear-cuts—Digitalization on forest habitat networks and virtual species
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7 October 2021

Speaker: Georganos Stefanos, KTH Digital Futures Post-Doc
Title: Filling the gaps: AI and Earth Observation in support of urban sustainability in sub-Saharan Africa
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5 October 2021

Speaker: Airi Lampinen, Stockholm University
Title: The Trouble With Sharing: Interpersonal Challenges in Peer-to-Peer Exchange
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30 September 2021

Speaker: Lichao Mou, TUM & DLR
Title: Visual Learning and Reasoning in Earth Observation
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28 September 2021

Speaker: Christina Pöpper, NYU Abu Dhabi
Title: Crowdsourcing and Wireless Witnessing for Air-Traffic Communication Security
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23 September 2021

Speaker: Fan Liu, Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech)
Title: Integrated Sensing and Communications (ISAC) Towards 6G and Beyond
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21 September 2021

Speaker: Barry Brown, Stockholm University
Title: The halting problem: when self-driving cars halt in traffic16 June 2021
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15 September 2021

Speaker: Yi Ma, University of California Berkeley
Title: White-Box Deep (Convolution) Networks from First Principles
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14 September 2021

Speaker: Julie Chen, University of Toronto
Title: Digitalization and the transformation of work in China: its global conditions and implications
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9 September 2021

Speaker: Nelson Sommerfeldt, ENSEED Group at KTH Energy Technology
Title: Information’s role in household PV adoption
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7 September 2021

Speaker: Florian Jaton, University of Lausanne
Title: On ground truths, biases, and morality in machine learning design and application
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2 September 2021

Speaker: Changyang She, The University of Sydney
Title: Wireless AI for Ultra-Reliable and Low-Latency Communications in 6G
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23 August 2021

Title: Nordic Learning Analytics (Summer) Institute 2021, Stockholm
Link to event: Nordic Learning Analytics (Summer) Institute 2021
Click on the links below to watch the recorded presentations

24 June 2021

Speaker: Ruibo Tu, Division of Robotics, Perception, and Learning, KTH
Title: A brief introduction to causal discovery
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23 June 2021

Speaker: Patric Jensfeldt, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Title: Bayes theorem
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22 June 2021

Speaker: Birgit Penzenstadler, Chalmers University of Technology
Title: Values implemented: Embedding resilience into the developer to embed sustainability into software
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16 June 2021

Speaker: Sridevi Sarma, Johns Hopkins University
Title: Using Dynamic Network Models and their Properties to Improve Treatment of Epilepsy
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15 June 2021

Speaker: Claire Ingram Bogusz, Uppsala University
Title: Two conflicting hats: Using a platform trade association to resolve gig work role conflicts
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10 June 2021

Speaker: Emil Björnson, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Title: Evolving Mobile Broadband Connectivity Towards 6G
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8 June 2021

Speaker: Jelena Diakonikolas, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Title: Structure in Min-Max Optimization (and How to Use It!)
Click here to watch the recorded presentation

1 June 2021

Speaker: Fábio Duarte, MIT
Title: Unveiling urban phenomena through digital traces
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27 May 2021

Speaker: Haoran Sun, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis
Title: Recent Advances in Distributed Non-Convex Optimization and Learning
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25 May 2021

Speaker: Ozan Öktem, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Title: Scientific Machine Learning: An Overview with Applications to Inverse Problems
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20 May 2021

Speaker: Stacy Vallis, Digital Futures Postdoctoral Fellow
Title: Cities as Arenas of Innovation: Urban Pandemic Digitalisation
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18 May 2021

Speaker: Stanley Greenstein, Stockholm University
Title: Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) – A Legal Orientation
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11 May 2021

Speaker: Mattias Höjer, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Title: Digitalisation in futures studies for sustainability
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6 May 2021

Speaker: Alexis Linard, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Title: Towards Correct-by-design Social Autonomy
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28 April 2021

Speaker: Sonja Buchegger, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Title: Differential privacy equation
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22 April 2021

Speaker: Matthieu Barreau, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Title: Physics-informed learning: using neural networks to solve differential equations
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20 April 2021

Speaker: Olga Viberg, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Title: Fostering Students’ Self-Regulated Learning to Support Study Success: A Learning Analytics Approach
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15 April 2021

Speaker: Deyou Zhang, Postdoctoral researcher at Digital Future
Title: Training Beam Sequence Design for Millimeter Wave Tracking Systems
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6 April 2021

Speaker: Jens Lagergren, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Title: Machine Learning for Somatic Evolution of Cancer

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31 March 2021

Speaker: Rob Kitchin, Maynooth University Social Sciences Institute and Department of Geography
Title: The Right to the Smart City
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30 March 2021

Speaker: Elina Eriksson, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Title: Digital Behavior Change Interventions to Catalyze More Sustainable Practices
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25 March 2021

Speaker: Pedro Ferreira, IT University in Copenhagen
Title: Vulnerable Communities and Local Knowledge
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23 March 2021

Speaker: Dr Karinne Ramirez-Amaro, Chalmers University of Technology
AI meets Robotics – Robots that Reason about Human Activities
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18 March 2021

Speaker: Anastasia Varava
Title: Integrating domain knowledge with machine learning in robotics and molecular science
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11 March 2021

Speaker: Roberto Guanciale, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Title: Validating Side-Channel Models for Computer Architectures
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9 March 2021

Speaker: Dr Leonie Maria Tanczer, University College London
Title: Gender and IoT (GIoT): The Implications of Smart, Internet-Connected Devices on Victims and Survivors of Domestic and Sexual Violence
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25 February 2021

Speaker: Robert Johansson
From machine learning to machine psychology: Artificial general intelligence from the perspective of non-axiomatic logic
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24 February 2021

Speaker: David Broman, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Title: The Lambda Calculus
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23 February 2021

Speaker: Simin Nadjm-Tehrani
Where AI meets Safety and Security
A recorded presentation is not available

18 February 2021

Speaker: Xuyang Wu
Distributed Approximate Methods of Multipliers for Convex Composite Optimization
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16 February 2021

Speaker: Gareth Tyson
Challenges in the Decentralised Web
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11 February 2021

Speaker: Raksha Ramakrishna
Title: The ‘Power’ of Graph Signal Processing
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9 February 2021

Speaker: Johan Jansson
Solving the reproducibility crisis in the digital era
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4 February 2021

Speaker: Nicolae Paladi
Cooking secrets in leaky cauldrons: the promises and promises of confidential computing
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3 February 2021

Speaker: Daniela Rus
Soft Robots: Increasing Robot Diversity with Soft Materials
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2 February 2021

Speaker: Martin Nilsson
Hitting-time problems with moving boundaries
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28 January 2021

Speaker: Dilian Gurov
Knowledge-Based Strategies for Multi-Player Games with Imperfect Information
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27 January 2021

Speaker: Mikael Skoglund
Title: Shannon’s theorem
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26 January 2021

Speaker: Rose Luckin
Is Education Ready for AI?
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21 January 2021

Speaker: Mareike Glöss
What/Who is making our cities smart? Understanding the human experience of mobility, transport, and urban space
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19 January 2021

Speaker: Henny Admoni
Understanding Human Behavior for Robotic Assistance and Collaboration
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January 18 2021

Speaker: Steve Benford
Title: Singing in Chorus – The Challenges and Opportunities of Making Music Together Online During the Global Pandemic
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14 January 2021

Speaker: Kathlén Kohn
Title: The geometry of neural networks
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12 January 2021

Speaker: Ram Vasudevan
Title: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Start Loving Lifting to Infinite Dimensions
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