Open call: New later deadline! Collaborative projects targeting Diversity and Inclusion in technologies for a digital transformation

Picture of research program matrixThis call is aiming to increase the diversity and inclusion as well as the outreach of the Digital Futures research, meaning that we want to facilitate collaboration between leading researchers at KTH, SU or RISE and researchers from a low or lower-middle income region such as Sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America, or similar. The projects should target digitalization as a mean to develop technological progress and/or education, health or democracy in low income regions. It will provide an opportunity for technological sharing and transfer between Swedish team and collaborating partners in low and middle income countries. This approach is consistent with SDG 17.6 efforts which emphasize bi-directional knowledge and skills sharing.

The projects should be 6-18 months long and could include travel and research visits to Sweden and/or the region in focus. The aim is to establish and develop long-term collaborations with researchers active in low- and middle-income regions and researchers active within Digital futures.

FOR MORE INFORMATION on background, purpose, eligibility, scope, expectations, requirements, timeline, selection process and HOW TO APPLY – go to:

Important dates – NEW LATER DEADLINE!
Call opens: 15 December, 2020
Call closes: 31 January, 2021, 4.00 pm Swedish local time (previously 15 January, 2021)

Matchmaking Event
Digital Futures is hosting two “Matchmaking” on-line events, open to all potential project applicants, to help with the creation of proposals.

Please respond via this link to get a place at the respective matchmaking event:

Note that it is perfectly OK to participate in both events.

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