Open call: First call for Digital Futures ‘Scholar-in-Residence’ programme

The Digital Futures ‘Scholar-in-Residence’ programme aims to provide scholars at non-Swedish universities with financial support to enable short and longer-term visits to the Digital Futures environment (minimum 1 month, maximum 12 months). This programme of funding aims to support academics who wish to benefit from a sabbatical within Digital Futures.

Picture of KTH architecture school

Our hope for this programme of funding is to broaden the diversity of those taking part in Digital Futures, to enable new global perspectives on digitalisation research to influence our progress.

Important dates

  • This is a reoccurring call with applications possible every three months.
  • Please submit your application under the current scholar-in-residence call by June 8th, 2021.

More information and How to apply can be found here:

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