Digital Futures for Education is a series of conversations and events that bring together key actors from academia, civil society, and the private and public sectors. The mission is to provide a colloquial space for discussion and reflection on the digital transformation in education and the role of universities in today’s complex societies. The goal is also to build a community with key national and international educational actors. Digital Futures welcome interest in participating in the conversation on 8 December!
Date and time: 8 December 2022, 13:00 – 14:30 CET
Title: Digital transformation in education: paradoxes, hopes, and realities
Where: Digital Futures hub, Osquars Backe 5, floor 2 at KTH main campus OR via Zoom
For onsite participation register latest 5 December!
A maximum of 50 participants are onsite at the Digital Futures hub. First-come, first-served basis.
More information on the conversation and link to the registration
Chair & Moderator:
- Teresa Cerratto Pargman, Professor, Stockholm University – Associate Director Societal Outreach and Member of Working group Educational Transformation at Digital Futures
- Jannie Jeppesen, CEO, Swedish Edtech
- Ylva Lindberg, Professor, School of Education and Communication at Jönköping University
- Stefan Hrastinski, Professor, Division of Digital Learning, KTH
Questions framing the conversation:
- How do we innovate in the education sector? Which goals? Which methods?
- What is responsible innovation in today’s digital education landscape?
- What futures are envisioned in current Edtech innovative practices?
- How can narratives about the future of digital education open a dialogue between the school/university and Edtech?
- What does the public education sector gain and what does it lose with the increasing presence of the private sector in its practices?
More information on the conversation schedule and link to the registration