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Open call: Digital Futures 2025 Summer Early Career programme – SEC programme 

The Digital Futures 2025 Summer Early Career visiting programme aims to provide early career scholars at non-Swedish universities with support to enable short and mid-term visits to the Digital Futures environment (minimum 1 month, maximum 5 months) during the summer months – May to September 2025. How this time away from a home institution is used is flexible and for the visiting scholar to decide.  We plan to award five to ten applications.

Our hope for this programme of funding is to broaden the diversity of those taking part in Digital Futures, to enable new global perspectives on digitalisation research to influence our progress.  We would like to encourage applications from women and minority candidates as these groups are currently underrepresented within similar funding mechanisms.  In all cases, we intend that the SEC programme should enrich the activities of Digital Futures through participation in, for example, research, teaching, events, and mentorship of PhD and Post-Doctoral researchers.

Applications to this funding programme are made by a Digital Futures faculty member on behalf of a proposed SEC scholar. As a potential SEC scholar, you should first make contact with a Digital Futures faculty member with whom you would like to cooperate during your time in the Digital Futures environment. Link to Digital Futures Faculty members

If successfully funded, this Digital Futures faculty member will be your host during your visit, offering practical support as necessary to help ensure the visit’s success.

What the call offers

  •  Funding (up to 30,000 SEK / month) to cover accommodation and travel tickets. The funding does not include daily allowance or salary costs.
  • An international workplace and environment.
  • Access to Digital Futures’ resources, its network of academic and industrial partners, infrastructure and testbeds, events and happenings.

Who can be the host for an SEC scholar

Applications should be made by a Digital Futures faculty member who acts as a sponsor for the proposed SEC scholar. Digital Futures Faculty members can only nominate one SEC scholar per call.  Before applying, the Digital Futures host must have ensured that his/her department is prepared to receive an SEC scholar and that appropriate administrative procedure is followed.

KTH and Stockholm University Digital Futures faculty members can be hosts of a scholar in residence.  RISE Digital Futures faculty members can be co-hosts.


  • The applicant must be employed in a tenure track position at a non-Swedish university.
  • The applicant should not have spent more than 12 months in Sweden during the 3 years before the date of application. Please note that SEC scholars who already benefited from this programme are not eligible.
  • The applicant should not already have an affiliate position at Stockholm University, KTH or RISE.
  • The applicant should be either assistant professor or associate professor (grade or equivalent) and have completed their PhD within 10 years from the date of the application (25th of November 2024).

Application process

Applications should be made by a Digital Futures faculty member who acts as a sponsor for the proposed SEC scholar.

The application should consist of the following:

  •  2-page C.V. alongside a full publication list of the proposed SEC scholar
  • 1-page description of the proposed SEC scholar competencies related to Digital Futures, planned activities, including how the scholar will engage with Digital Futures, and planned start date and end date (these should fall between May and September 2025).
  • Budget specifying anticipated accommodation and travel costs for the visit
  • A letter of support from sponsoring Digital Futures faculty member
  • Applications and/or questions should be sent to: (please write “SEC programme” in the subject of your e-mail)
  • Applications will be assessed by the Digital Futures Executive Committee. Decisions will be typically made within one month of submission.

Important dates

Deadline:  25 November 2024

Contact & Questions

Contact for further questions. Please include “SEC programme” in the subject of your email.