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Completed DTI projects

Digital Futures is a member of the Digital Transformation Institute and collaborates with UC Berkeley, California Institute of Technology, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, MIT and Princeton. DTI’s research focuses on the intersection of artificial intelligence, machine learning, the Internet of things, cloud computing, big data analytics, economics, organizational behaviour, public policy, and ethics. DTI research analyzes new business operation models, develops methods for organizational change management, investigates methods for protecting privacy, and advances dialogue related to the ethical implications of AI.

Central to the Institute’s research is the development and validation of algorithms and designs that can dramatically improve societal systems, for example, in healthcare, transportation, education, and national security.

Click on the headlines below (or navigate the menu to the left) to learn more.

Navigate through the headlines below or the menu to the left to learn more...

AI-based prediction of urban climate and its impact on built environments

AI-based prediction of urban climate and its impact on built environments

Develop AI-based CFD simulation to realise accurate and fast predictions of urban climate and the built environment...

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AI techniques for Power Systems Under Cyberattacks

AI techniques for Power Systems Under Cyberattacks

Developing frameworks and methodologies that help power operators protect the power grid against such malicious attacks...

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Causal Reasoning for Real-Time Attack Identification in Cyber-Physical Systems

Causal Reasoning for Real-Time Attack Identification in Cyber-Physical Systems

Machine learning algorithms and tools for attack detection and identification based on a novel, scalable representation of the physical system state...

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Cyber Safety Cage for Networks

Cyber Safety Cage for Networks

A solution using machine learning and test generation, leveraging machine learning expertise from UIUC and testing and verification from KTH...

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Data-driven control and coordination of smart converters for sustainable power system using deep reinforcement learning

Data-driven control and coordination of smart converters for sustainable power system using deep reinforcement learning

Address the voltage instability caused by a high ratio of renewables in sustainable power grids...

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Learning in Routing Games for Sustainable Electromobility

Learning in Routing Games for Sustainable Electromobility

Employ large-scale simulation, learning, and game theory to develop sustainability-aware traffic routing tools. The tools will leverage and fuse heterogeneous, noisy, and...

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Machine Learning for Power Electronics-enabled Power Systems: A Unified ML Platform for Power Electronics, Power Systems, and Data Science

Machine Learning for Power Electronics-enabled Power Systems: A Unified ML Platform for Power Electronics, Power Systems, and Data Science

A family of methods for learning, optimization, and system stability analysis of grid-tied inverters and power electronics-based power systems...

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Optimisation of Agricultural Management for Soil Carbon Sequestration Using Deep Reinforcement Learning and Large-Scale Simulations

Optimisation of Agricultural Management for Soil Carbon Sequestration Using Deep Reinforcement Learning and Large-Scale Simulations

Build a simulator to model and simulate the complex soil-water-plant-atmosphere interactions, which will run on high-performance...

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Physics-aware AI-based Approach for Cyber Intrusion Detection in Substation Automation Systems

Physics-aware AI-based Approach for Cyber Intrusion Detection in Substation Automation Systems

Multiple use-inspired AI innovations that crucially leverage concurrent capabilities of SAS to transform cyber security of power systems...

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