Decision-making in Critical Societal Infrastructures
The Decision-making in Critical Societal Infrastructures (DEMOCRITUS) project develops methods for monitoring and controlling large-scale infrastructures with the help of digitalization. We design new methods for learning over large datasets, propose networking solutions that support monitoring, learning and control, and construct data-driven models of the monitored physical processes. As an application, Democritus focuses on the water distribution systems, which exhibit many unsolved challenges for future societal systems. We study real-time leak detection, detection and mitigation of possible contamination or attacks, global decision-making while observing local data privacy, and the efficient utilization of smart meters.
The Smart Society critically depends on large infrastructures like electrical grids or water distribution networks that need to operate efficiently, with predictable performance and meet strict safety and security requirements. They must also be able to make informed decisions under constraints and in real time – one simple error can have devastating consequences. Despite their technological diversity, the digitalization of these infrastructures can follow a common set of novel design principles.
Cross-disciplinary collaboration
The team consists of experts from the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and the School of Engineering Sciences at KTH, from Stockholm University and from RISE with research experience in network design and optimization, learning and decision making, security of cyber-physical systems, and large-scale experimentation.
Watch the recorded presentation at the Digitalize in Stockholm 2023 event:
Viktoria Fodor
Professor, Division of Network and Systems Engineering at KTH, Former Member of the Executive Committee, Former Associate Director Strategic Research and Chair of the Strategic Research Committee, Working group Cooperate, PI of research project Decision-making in Critical Societal Infrastructures (DEMOCRITUS), Digital Futures Faculty
+46 8 790 42
Bengt Ahlgren
Senior Researcher at RISE, Member of the Executive Committee, Associate Director for Testbeds and Data, Co-PI: Decision-making in Critical Societal Infrastructures (DEMOCRITUS), Digital Futures Faculty
+46 10 228 43
Carlo Fischione
Professor, Division of Network and Systems Engineering at KTH, Co-PI of research project Decision-making in Critical Societal Infrastructures (DEMOCRITUS), Digital Futures fellow, Digital Futures Faculty
+46 73 632 25
Sindri Magnússon
Associate professor, Department of Computer and Systems Sciences at Stockholm University, Vice Chair Working group Cooperate, Co-PI: Decision-making in Critical Societal Infrastructures (DEMOCRITUS), Former Co-PI: Data-Driven Control and Coordination of Smart Converters for Sustainable Power System Using Deep Reinforcement Learning at DTI, Former Co-Supervisor: Distributed Optimization and Federated Learning in Emerging Smart Networks, Digital Futures Faculty
+46 8 16 11
Johan Karlsson
Professor, Optimisation and Systems Theory at KTH, Member of the Executive Committee, Associate Director Executive Research, Co-PI of research project Decision-making in Critical Societal Infrastructures (DEMOCRITUS), Digital Futures Faculty
+46 8 790 84
Henrik Sandberg
Professor, Division of Decision and Control Systems at KTH EECS, Member of the Strategic Research Committee, Chair Working group Trust, PI of research project Learning in Routing Games for Sustainable Electromobility (RoSE), Co-PI of research project Causal Reasoning for Real-Time Attack Identification in Cyber-Physical Systems, Co-PI: Decision-making in Critical Societal Infrastructures (DEMOCRITUS), Co-PI: DECORUM: Optimized predictive maintenance for wastewater pump stations, Digital Futures Faculty
+46 8 790 72
Rolf Stadler
Prof. and Head of Division, Division of Network and Systems Engineering at KTH, Co-PI of research project Decision-making in Critical Societal Infrastructures (DEMOCRITUS) at Digital Futures, Digital Futures Faculty
+46 8 790 42