Rights by design and default in hybrid architectures – realizing human-centric public service in human-intelligent machine co-work

Participation at the  Digitalize in Stockholm 2022 conference provided fresh and inspiring glimpse to the future and a good forum for concrete exchanges and idea sharing on how we will get there – and get a more sustainable society,” said Tuomas Pöysti, Chancellor of Justice of the Government of Finland and keynote speaker at Digitalize in Stockholm 2022.

Now you can watch the talk ‘Rights by design and default in hybrid architectures – realizing human-centric public service in human-intelligent machine co-work‘ on Youtube.

Progress of humanity is learning to work with different kinds of tools, artificial intelligence (AI) being the latest transformative general technologies. Future and flourishing of humanity is about to work and live together with increasingly intelligent systems. This speech is about designing for and governing design of hybrid architectures and systems, where humans live and work together with intelligent systems as part of a wider socio-technical system. It is about how this provides possibilities to the human-centric public administration and service and not descend into dystopia. Yet the speech is about the practical gaps between dream and daily reality with unrealized promises and people falling behind and about to overcoming this gap by hybrid architectures and proper design and maintenance patterns with proper incentives.

The speech is also about how the law shall change and will regulate human relationship and interface with intelligent machines and their networks.

Rights by design and default is a demanding but necessary objective for the future of public administration. To achieve this and to ensure that public administration and public service is for everyone, systematic multi-disciplinary work is needed beyond individual technical solutions and beyond bureaucratic short-term efficiencies and conveniences.


Dr Tuomas Pöysti is the Chancellor of Justice of the Government of Finland, the Supreme Guardian of the Law in Finland, concurrently with the Parliamentary Ombudsman. The Chancellor of Justice oversees as an independent constitutional institution the legality of the acts of Government and President of the Republic and shall be in that purpose present with the right and duty to submit observations, ask for explanations and corrections in all Government and presidential sessions, perform prior constitutionality reviews of draft Government proposals for laws and decrees and oversee that courts, public authorities and all charged with public tasks comply with the law and fulfill their duties. Tuomas Pöysti has served as the Chancellor of Justice since 2018.

Tuomas Pöysti has worked for more than 25 years with the intersection of law and digital technologies and governance of data and information and communication technologies and on better regulation of advancing technologies both as a practitioner and academic researcher and has an active portfolio in research and practise.

Pöysti has a Title of docent, Administrative law, and Doctor of Law. Tuomas Pöysti’s honours include the Grand Cross of the Order of the Lion of Finland awarded by the President of the Republic (2020) and Doctor of Philosophy (h.c.) from the University of Lapland (2019).

Link to talk on Youtube: https://youtu.be/bRuzKFsRN7Q

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