The new Digital Futures Flagship Project instrument aims to achieve the highest scientific quality, demonstrating originality, significant impact, and an interdisciplinary approach. The project consortia bring together senior and early-career researchers, with a strong emphasis on collaboration with industry and society.
In the first call, out of 33 excellent top qualified applications, these were the six Flagship projects granted funding:
- AI guided multimodal/multichannel spatiotemporal imaging, Ozan Öktem (KTH-SCI), Mats Persson (KTH-SCI) and Massimiliano Colarieti-Tosti (KTH-CBH).
- Biology-informed Robust AI Methods for Inferring Complex Gene Regulatory Networks, Erik Sonnhammer (SU), Martina Scolamiero (KTH-SCI), and Saikat Chatterjee (KTH- EECS).
- Foundation Models for Sign Language, Jonas Beskow (KTH-EECS), Gustav Eje Henter (KTH-EECS), and Johanna Mesch (SU).
- Recovering the dynamics of biological macromolecules using cryo-EM data with data-driven prior, Joakim Andén-Pantera (KTH-SCI), Hossein Azizpour (KTH-EECS), and Marta Carroni (SU).
- Redefining Mobility for Aging Adults, Elena Gutierrez Farewik (KTH-SCI), Madeline Balaam (KTH-EECS), and Georgios Andrikopoulos (KTH-ITM).
- Secure and Scalable 6G Ambient IoT (SambIoT), Panagiotis Papadimitratos (KTH-EECS), Thiemo Voigt (RISE), and Musard Balliu (KTH-EECS).