WASP-ED is a new national program for educational development in artificial intelligence, AI and transformational technologies. WASP-ED has now been granted 18.6 MSEK over three years by The Marcus and Marianne Wallenberg Foundation. The project is led by Linköping University, but the working group on Educational transformation at Digital Futures at KTH has a substantial part, mainly through the WASP-ED work packages on Technical Platform and Education Data and on Pedagogical Development and Learning Analytics.
The working group Educational transformation at Digital Futures handles modern digital technologies, AI and access to data to provide new opportunities to develop education and ways of learning. Research on technology-enhanced learning and evidence-based development of curricula, education tools and pedagogics are essential components within this context.
Jan Gulliksen, Vice President for Digitalization and Professor in Human-Computer Interaction at KTH, is one of the researchers who wrote the WASP-ED application. He is also a member of the Strategic Research Committee and the Working group Educational Transformation at Digital Futures.
– This grant will give us the opportunities to take the next step in using AI for educational transformation, pedagogical development and learning analytics which is of utmost importance for the future development of education for the university and for society as a whole,” says Jan Gulliksen.
– At Digital Futures, this is very much a cross-disciplinary collaboration. The researchers in the team represent not only the Divisions of Network and Systems Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Media Technology and Interaction Design, Structural Engineering and Bridges, the Units of Digital Learning, Management & Technology, Learning in STEM and Engineering Mechanics at KTH, but also the Department of Computer and Systems Sciences at Stockholm University, explains Jan Gulliksen.
More information
WASP ED to make Swedish universities leading in AI
WASP-ED Will Put the University Educations at the Forefront of AI