3rd Expert Workshop on Design and Operation of Digitalized Sector-Coupled Energy Systems (DigiSect 2024) on 16-17 May
Date and time: 16 May (11:30-18:15) and 17 May (09:00-15:30) 2024
Title: 3rd Expert Workshop on Design and Operation of Digitalized Sector-Coupled Energy Systems (DigiSect 2024)
16 May – Digital Futures hub, Osquars Backe 5, floor 2 at KTH main campus, Stockholm
17 May – Salongen in KTH Bibliotek, Osquars backe 31 at KTH main campus, Stockholm
Registration form: https://www.kth.se/form/65e05ff6785f1239a4a97866
Sponsors: Digital Futures, Dig-IT Lab, IEEE PES & PELS Sweden, KTH Energy Platform & KTH Digitalization Platform, IEEE PES & PELS Sweden, IEEE PES Chapter Austria and H2020 ERIGrid 2.0
This is the third international expert workshop in digitalization and sector-coupling of energy systems, as a continuation of the previous two events, including 1st workshop in TUHH 2022 and 2nd workshop in AIT Austrian Institute of Technology 2023.
The aim of this workshop is to bring together experts from Europe to exchange insights, enhance international collaboration, discuss EU project applications, and create a roadmap on possible trends and research directions for operation, control and digitalization in sector-coupled energy systems and sector integration (power, heating, gas, e-mobility, as well as citizens).
The speakers include professors, leading university researchers, and experts from Europe’s grid operators and energy industries.
Workshop contributions are attributed to the following thematic clusters:
- Cluster 1 – Automation and Digitalization Technologies: focus on digital technologies enabling sector coupling and sector integration, including artificial intelligence, digital twins, IoT and communication, cyber security, simulation, etc.
- Cluster 2 – System architecture and operation strategies: focus on applications and best practices for sector coupling and sector integration both on system and component levels, including pilot sites, energy communities, innovative technologies, markets & regulation, etc.
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PROGRAM – Thursday, 16 May
11:00 – 12:30 LUNCH and Registration at Digital Futures
12:30 – 12:40 Welcome & Introduction, Associate Professor, Qianwen Xu, KTH
12:40 – 13:40 Keynote: Ambra Sannino, Vice President, Research and Development, Vattenfall – Digitalization – a key enabler of the energy transition
13:40 – 14:00 BREAK
14:00 – 15:20 Session 1 – Cluster 1: Smart energy – 4 Presentations & Panel Discussion
- Antonello Monti, Professor, RWTH Aachen – Smart Data for Smart Energy
- Antonio Kung, CTO, Trialog- Integrating cross-cutting standards with vertical standards
- Darius Kvainauskas, Strategic Development Manager, Svenska kraftnät – How CIM and data exhange is used for European Energy collaboration
- Wout van Voornveld, Lead Data Architect and Expert Modeller, NV Nederlandse Gasunie – Molecules in an Electron World – an intersectorial approach
- Jacob Dalton, Head of Trading at Tibber – How do we unlock flexibility from domestic consumers
15:20 – 15:45 BREAK
15:45 – 17:00 Session 2 – Cluster 2: Sector-coupling – 4 Presentations & Panel Discussion
- Davood Babazadeh, Innovation Management, Stromnetz Hamburg – Sector coupling and essential data exchange
- Frank-Helmut Wehner, Microgrid Commercial Leader, Schneider – How microgrids contribute to the Energy Transition
- Georg Scharinger-Urschitz, District Heating Strategy Expert, Wien Energie – Decarbonization of large-scale district heating networks with a focus on sector coupling
17:15 – 18:15 Discussion & Brainstorming
19:00 – 22:00 Banquet Dinner at Stockholm City Hall (Stadshuskällaren)
End of Day
PICTURES: DigSect2024_photo
PROGRAM – Friday, 17 May
09:00 – 10:20 Session 3 – Cluster 1: Digitalization – 4 Presentations & Panel Discussion
- Andreas Ulbig, Professor, RWTH Aachen – Digitalization in Electric Distribution Grids – Technological Trends, Opportunities and Challenges
- Christof Wittwer, Director of Business Area System Integration, Fraunhofer ISE – Digital system integration for the transformation of the energy system
- Mark Stefan, Senior Research Engineer & Thematic Coordinator, AIT – Grid-friendly energy communities in PARMENIDES
- Md Tanbhir Hoq, Research Team Manager, Hitachi Energy – Leveraging digitalization to support energy transition: Hitachi Energy Perspective
10:20 – 10:45 BREAK
10:45 – 11:45 Panel about education for Digitalised sector coupled energy systems
- Moderator: Astrid Nieße (OFFIS)
- Panellists: Dimitris Lagos (NTUA), Arnold Pears (KTH), Christian Becker (TUHH), Lars Nordström (KTH)
11:45 – 12:45 LUNCH
12:45 – 14:00 Session 4 – Cluster 2: Flexibility – 4 Presentations & Panel Discussion
- Andreas Rauh, Professor, Carl von Ossietzky – Digital Twins for Battery Cell Production and Their Possible Interfaces with Battery Management Strategies
- Iver Bakken Sperstad, Senior Research Scientist, SINTEF – Classifying and characterizing power system flexibility solutions
- Jonas Anund Vogel, Director of KTH Dig-it Lab – Industrialising digitalisation for the built environment
- Alexandre Canet, Researcher, Cardiff – Flexibility from the residential heat sector
14:15 – 15:15 Discussion & Brainstorming
15:15 – 15:30 Wrap-up and Closing
End of Day
Organising team
- KTH: Prof. Qianwen Xu, Prof. Lars Nordström, Dr. Jonas Anund Vogel
- TUHH: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christian Becker, Dr. Payam T. Baboli
- OFFIS: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Astrid Nieße, Dr.-Ing. Jirapa Kamsamrong
- AIT: PD Dr. Thomas Strasser, Dr. Edmund Widl
- Stromnetz Hamburg: Dr. Davood Babazadeh